blue skies #27 "Freedom" (Nine/Rose, PG 13)

Aug 20, 2011 08:51

Title: Freedom
Author: fannishliss
Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #27: freedom
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 200
Summary: final part of a romance in drabbles:  The Tardis takes them where they need to go.  A romance blossoms under ancient alien trees.  Things change for the better.

notes:  Thanks to the day by drabble mods for the Blue Skies drabblethon.  I've enjoyed it very much!



Rose wakes up alone. The sheets are  cold.  She’s pleasurably sore.  A grin breaks over her face.  She takes her time showering, gets dressed, putters around in the galley.

He’s at the console, of course. He won’t meet her eyes at first, but the hope she sees when he finally looks up takes her breath away.  She flies
into his arms and kisses the living daylights out of him.

Life is not a dream. All of it, all the heartrending joy of it, all of it is real.

Haring off on a road trip, finding that botanical garden with its shard of Gallifrey, and slightly psychic trees are real. They sing like choirs of

The Doctor opening up to her and the love they share is real.

“I want a golden Wednesday morning, sunshine streaming onto white sheets, breakfast at some little cafe where we just sit and talk for hours, and then, like, we rescue a kitten or run from a rain shower... yeah?”

“Done,” he beams.

Freedom’s not just endless highway.  It’s mingled laughter and tears, footsteps clattering down the street at midnight, and home walking right alongside you, that precious hand holding onto yours.


Road Trip ~ Meadow ~ Sweat ~ Scent~ Wildfire~ Shelter ~ Sultry ~ Storm ~ Ennui ~ Freedom

Road Trip to Freedom, a romance in drabbles, at my lj

blue skies: prompt 27, fandom: doctor who, author: fannishness

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