Title: Storm
fannishliss Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #21: storm
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 100
Summary: part eight of a romance in drabbles: After the heat, the oncoming Storm. How perfect are these prompts for a Who story! :)
“Are you afraid?” he whispers, poised. The heated air is heavy in their lungs, a tempest ready to burst.
“Should I be?”
His glittering stare pins her. “I’m dangerous,” he groans.
“You’re amazing!” she cries.
“I might live forever.”
“I only get one chance.”
“What if lightning strikes?”
“That’s a chance I’ll take!”
Unleashed, lightning blazes. In the dark, wet slides against wet, slick against smooth. Breath becomes breeze. Coolness descends and steam rises up, making clouds and rain. Life-giving rivulets, thirsty ground: in an elemental dance they mingle and are one.
Tune in tomorrow for Ennui.
Road Trip ~
Meadow ~
Sweat ~
Scent ~
Wildfire ~
Shelter ~
Sultry ~ Storm ~ Ennui ~ Freedom