Dipping My Toes In....

Jan 04, 2010 12:32

*Happy New Years, everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday experience or at least got some quiet time in. I was out of town for the holidays so coming home to a bunch of cards was like Christmas all over again (thank you talitha78, my girl stepn2itc, rose_etta for my virtual gift).

I think a New Year (a new decade!) always brings about the desire for change within ourselves. The song “Everything Is Borrowed” kept popping up on my iPod. I could listen to my iPod on and off for a week and never come across the song, but for some reason it’s always there. I’m taking it as a sign-a reminder-of how I should proceed in this year and always. The chorus says “I came to this world with nothing/ And I leave with nothing but love./Everything else is just borrowed”. I’m viewing this as a reminder to count it all joy; to try (key word) to remember what is really important amidst whatever storms come my way; to continue experiencing this experience we call life and leave behind any negativities, any wall that is keeping me from achieving whatever it is I want to take from life. So I wish the same to all of you.

I got a feeling it’s going to be
Flash Mob dancing to the Black Eyed Peas “I Got a Feelin’

*Fannish Things:

~Rumor o’ the last week: Justin and Lindsay Hartley expecting a second child? A Days of Our Lives blogger tweeted congrats to them on Twitter and said that he had heard that she was pregnant again. An entry was put on Wikipedia so I’m not sure if that’s what’s fueling the rumor, but if it’s true, it’s so great; they’re a really sweet family.

~Someone thinks SV is Underated, yay!

~Interview with the non-parolee star of "Blue Mountain State", Alan Ritchson Alan Ritchson Interview

~Someone's in the kitchen, but not with

*Lotion and wipes underneath the Kent's kitchen sink? Is that for when Clark and Oliver play Plumber and Client and Clark is waiting for Ollie to snake his drain? I love you, Clark with your sexual roleplaying ways.

~Another rumor is that Jared Padalecki is engaged to Genevieve “Ruby 2.0” Cortese. This comes from Genevieve updating her Facebook status to “Engaged” and a post from someone who is allegedly Jared’s cousin posting on Myspace or Facebook something about flying to Idaho in February and wondering if Jared will pay for the airfare. So there you go-take from it what you will. What I chose to take from this is that Jensen and Jared can’t even think straight. The two are getting married to women yet it still strikes me as just more evidence that Jensen and Jared are acting out some romantic comedy---and they’re both Jennifer Aniston.

Let’s see, did Jensen get engaged first and that spur Jared to propose to Genevieve so that he could strike back or show Jensen that he could go on with his life too (and he probably called her “Gen” when he did it because then he could pretend that he was asking Jensen for his hand) or did Jared propose to Genevieve first and Jensen, all distraught, decided that he should just go ahead and marry Danneel because it’s the right thing to do? So many questions. All asking, ‘how long will it take these two numbskulls to acknowledge their love?’

~Confession: I joined a cult.

The cult of Matthew Gray Gubler. Join us…all are welcome….

I’ve seen posts about Matthew on ONTD for a while now and I always questioned why these post-ers were wetting themselves over the guy who voiced Simon in “Alvin and the Chipmunks” and looked like a serial killer.

But I got sucked into watching a “Criminal Minds” episode during the holidays and not only did I become hooked onto the show, but now I kinda love Matthew Gray Gubler a lot. He’s some kind of Rasputin with this power to make people drawn to him.

How can I not love a man who did this?

Question: What is the craziest thing you have ever done for a love interest?

Matthew: Wow...let me think...I have done some pretty crazy stuff… I once hand made a girlfriend a 50 page leather bound book. It was an illustrated fairy tale about a princess and an eccentric magician. The magician had his heart broken so badly in the past that instead of keeping it in his chest where it could easily get hurt again, he kept it locked up in a rusty trunk under his bed, where it had withered into a shriveled apricot. a lot happens that cant really be summed up in one paragraph, but at the end, his apricot heart swells to the size of a house and they end up living happily ever after inside of it. It took me about a month to make, it was all rhyming, hand painted... something I was pretty gosh darn proud of. I really poured a lot into it, and I think its filled with some of my best paintings yet. Sadly in real life the story didn’t end as happy as it did in the book. Lets just say I'm living alone in that giant apricot heart at the moment.

I once gave a girl a bloody fake ear in a Tiffany jewelry box with a letter that said, "will you Gogh to prom with me" yeah, I guess I'm a romantic.

See?! (and his sister Laura is apparently amazing too, a designer, she recently tweeted her love for the terrace scene in “Superman”.)

And while after vegging out to a “Criminal Minds” marathon on New Years Day, actually foregoing my annual “Twilight Zone” marathon, I noticed how redundant a lot of the episodes are (the bad guy or the UNSUB somehow is always watching/listening to the press conference about their crime and it tipped off that the team is on to him; the UNSUB is either killed by someone else or kills themselves when the team confronts them), but damn if it’s not compelling TV. It’s actually good that I’m getting into the show during syndication because I didn’t have to go through losing Mandy Patinkin---the episodes are mixed together so I don’t care if it’s Mandy or Joe Mantegna (who I can’t help but listen to and think of him voicing Fat Tony on “The Simpsons”).

And I wasn’t looking for it, but I found a new pairing: Reid/Morgan, Matthew’s character Dr. Spencer Reid and Shemar Moore’s character of Derek Morgan.

You don’t have to tell me how big it is, Shemar-I’m already sold.

They even provided me with Mpreg fodder. Thank you guys.

The “Criminal Minds” cast has a charity cycling team that benefits Multiple Sclerosis. The team is led by Shemar who started whose mother Marilyn has MS

Shemar and mom

There’s surprisingly a good number of fics with this pairing. Not that their characters interact a lot (in the episodes I’ve seen), but it’s just there.

Matthew on Shemar: "Um Shemar and I have this little game where we pretend not to like each other when people are around, but um, between you and me, like I like everybody on set… and they like me, but Shemar and I… I know we’re not related because he’s black and I’m not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you looked at our genealogy tree - if you went back years and years and years, if you found a little hint of relation cause - it’s just I can’t explain it, but I feel a real affinity for him - is that the right word? Affinity? Affection, yeah. You know, and he likes to kid around sometimes, but he’s just joking."

Shemar on Modeling

Question: Both you and Matthew used to be models. Do you guys face off about who's hotter?

Shemar: Matthew actually made money that counted. Matthew is so pretty he's almost a girl. Modeling was something that I got into because I just didn't want to wear a suit and tie for a living. Because of my sports schedule (in high school), I couldn't get a full-time job (to help his single mother out) - so I got into modeling. But I was such an athlete that my legs were too big, my butt was too big. So, I might have been cute by the pool and the girls might have been like, 'Hi'. But when you'd take my picture, I looked like a chubby monkey. So to answer your question, if there was a competition, I'd like to think I've got a little swag, but he's got me beat in the pretty department. (dawnybee: such a liar, but it’s a sweet gesture.)

Pretty is code for hot, right? I’m going to say it is.

Matthew posted this picture showing how he compares to Shemar.

Matthew modeled for Calvin Klein and Marc Jacobs. He says he lucked out because during those days they were looking for weirdo types.

His DNA modeling Polaroid

So right now I am having a not-quite summer fling with the show and this man, and he may very well be my Danny Zuko (because we all know Sandy went back to Australia and settled down with a nice insurance salesman while Danny became a mechanic and spent nights drinking with Kenickie and reminiscing how great high school was. Sorry.) and when SV returns I’ll be all “Criminal Minds” who? You know, like what people are saying about “Heroes”.

~Solid video compiling 2009 in film.

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~DJ Earworm gives us 2009

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Went to Texas to visit my family and my middle sister, her husband and their spanking new baby (I’m an aunt again for the third time. ) While the baby is amazing in every way with her chubby legs and massive lungs for wailing, she’s only two months old and two-month olds aren’t a lot of fun. So instead of just boring people with tales that only amuse my family (like when my Taylor Lautner loving, Taylor Swift hating niece was listening to “Tomorrow” from Annie towards the end as it was building to close, the baby’s lips became to tremble and she was crying at the end, in our mind it was because she was so overwhelmed by it) we decided to roleplay. We began the Fabulous Life of a Baby Celebutant aka Lady GooGoo Gaga.

Lady GooGoo Gaga is very much into the L.A and NY nightlife. She even has her own theme song.

Tik-Tok: Ke$ha

She is in a fierce battle with Pharell Williams of the Neptunes because he gave her tracks to Rihanna. But that’s okay because Lady GooGoo Gaga is busy elsewhere: she’s designing a line of booties for Kitson and a onesies line for Heatherette.

And while she is denying rumors that she is seeing Levi McCougnahey, she has been seen canoodling with Kenzo Lee Hounsou reports her frenemy Zahara Pitt-Jolie.

I was afraid that Lady GooGoo Gaga was burning the candles at both ends though, she sleeps a lot and her spitting up clearly indicates bulimia, but she says she’s just preparing for Paris Fashion Week so no need to worry.

*While there my brother-in-law caught up on SPN and SV with my DVDs. He poured through them both, he was like me watching the “Criminal Minds” marathon. He loved S3 of SPN (he hated the ghost ship episode. I still haven’t seen this much hated episode) , but I don’t think he got through S4. He watches SV on-and-off and I wasn’t sure if he could catch up with S8 considering the cast changes and everything, but he loved it. He thinks Tess is the baddest chick alive and he has a massive man-crush on Oliver, calling him “smooth”. Without any pushing from me, he recognizes Oliver’s (subjective) charm.

*Caught up on Soaps. AMC: Tad is old and dumpy, but still Tad, Jesse and Angie look amazing. Where’s Brooke???

OLTL: New Clint sucks, you're no Clint Ritchie, sir no matter how much you sound like him. Bo is still hawt. Didn’t see Vicki at all. Bummer. I hate the name Officer Fish, but hey, boysexing. Even if it's the not-as-attractive-as-Chris-Evans-Scott-Evans.

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GH: Where are all the Quartermaines that I love?

real life, tv misc, justin hartley, j-squared, smallville

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