Will and Abe's Guide to the Universe Matt Groening
Like a bazillion people of my generation, I'm a big fan of Matt Groening's work, and as a teen I adored the Life in Hell collections. That said, they usually aren't necessarily booktalk friendly. So when I saw he had a new collection coming out, AND it was the strips quoting his kids, Will and Abe, I was thrilled.
The book does not disappoint in any way. This is pretty much a modern take on one of those Kids Say the Darnedest things collection, except even better since it is done in comic strip format. Will and Abe ask important questions, like "why do skeletons dance?" They give kids-view guides to vacationing in Bali, restaurants, X-mas, and bullies. They try to be gruesome and tough, like most young boys, but end up being side-splitting, hilariously cute. Highly recommended for anyone needing a laugh or 50.