Scribbles and bits

Jun 06, 2014 09:08

Do those of you who write use an outline or just set out with half a plot in mind? I'm the latter--always have been. Can't organize a story ahead of time to save my life. I usually know the beginning, and vaguely where we are headed with some idea of how it will end. Then, as I write, scenes and dialogue sort of slot themselves in appropriately.

But...once in a while, I get glimmers of dialogue for future scenes. Then, I either have to remember them, generally for weeks or months (which has happened!) or try to jot them down. That's a good goal, jotting that stuff down.

Monday, I had Bodie and Doyle chatting in my head and knew that that would be in the finale of this current story. Did I write it down? Nooooo. By Tuesday, I knew I'd forgotten something, but not the specifics. By Wednesday, I'd given up hope despite forcing myself to think of Bodie and Doyle as often as possible. (Oh, the trials of that...)

Then, on Thursday, I was doing my initial assessment on one of my baby patients and amusing myself by thinking up synonyms for "the needle bit into his flesh. slid in, no pierced..." OMG. Most of the Bodie and Doyle scene just popped into my head with the word pierced and I did, yes, I did, jot it down this time.

All happy.


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