Work a day world

Jun 05, 2014 10:14

I have what some consider an odd work schedule, although it's been more or less set in stone for a decade, so I'm used to it. This week is my short week--Sunday off, Monday on, Tuesday and Wednesday off, Thursday on and Friday off. I tell you, sometimes that Thursday seems hardest of all, but I endure pretty much any assignment for 8 hours. Then, this coming weekend is the most difficult--Saturday, Sunday and Monday on. Always feels like a hurdle to get over. Then Tuesday off, Wednesday on, Thursday off, Friday on and we've come full circle to my Sat and Sunday off. I did this because, as a single mom, I wanted to promise Demelza that I would see her regularly--"tomorrow I'll be off." She has my schedule memorized, lol.

So today, off to work. Maybe one of the parents will bring us See's candy. Or a box of Krispy Kremes...Must do some writing on my Pros Big Bang story before errands and off to the hospital.

random musing.

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