AMC--Chapter Twenty-One

Nov 04, 2005 05:58

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Comments 51

AMC digdigil November 4 2005, 14:56:16 UTC
I'm printing this out to read now instead of writing for NaNo! Thank you for this, Baby! I am soooo not interested in writing my NaNo fic! I soooo want to write some Finrod/Celeborn smut! And introduce an *ahem* third party! I shall trot off now to read AMC and then post a proper comment later. I'm up to about 8500 words, give or take. Losing ground pretty fast now.


Re: AMC dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 15:12:20 UTC
Perhaps you should write a Finrod/Celeborn novel then? It's only Day Four; not too late to switch. ;)

At a mere 2000 words per day, you'd still have one day entirely free for no writing at all.

You could explore the complex interactions between characters: Galadriel is Celeborn's wife and Finrod her brother...that must have caused some conflict! And perhaps look at the cultural mores regarding homosexuality and infidelity between the Eldar and the Sindar. It could turn into quite the work, with lots of hott sex to keep it fun. ;-P

This is supposed to be fun, after all....

I am sending you my best wishes and lots of hugs! :)


Re: AMC digdigil November 4 2005, 15:21:34 UTC
Hmmmmmm. Nah. I've got twice as much written in my original fic, so I think I'll continue it and write the slashy one at the same time but take my time with it. It's just that the quality of the original one is really lacking and that's what's bugging me. I really need more time in order to sit back, think about it more, and make it better! I'm so despairing of it!!! Don't mind me. I'll get over it!


Re: AMC dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 15:27:51 UTC
Hey, doesn't NaNoWriMo come right out and say that we're basically mass-producing crappy novels? So I'd say that you're right on target! ;D

(Of course, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think it is, but you know me, the eternally pie-eyed optimist.... 8-D)

I've sent the Feanorians away on vacation, to keep from writing about them. Besides, they kept picking on my Midhavens Elves, which is really unfair, as the Midhavens Elves are much smaller. But they know magic...I've never heard Feanor yell in that way before....

Okay, I need to write. And eat. I'm definitely getting weird!

Good luck! :)


Watta cliff hanger! anonymous November 4 2005, 15:27:29 UTC
O my, do you honestly expect us to wait until next Friday to see how in Arda those three are going to get out of trouble? I mean, this chapter must be the mother of all cliff-hangers. It's not just the danger that the cousins are in, but also Turko's injury. And what happened to Annawende? In another post you told me that something is going to happen to her, but now... I'm almost afraid ( ... )


Re: Watta cliff hanger! dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 15:38:47 UTC
Yes, I am mean and evil and expect everyone to wait until next Friday to see how the boys get out of their self-imposed snafu....

>:-] <--that's me!

Of course, you all *know* that they won't die. So it's not so mean, really. ;)

It's a little strange, though, how he fears his father so much and would rather run away.I think I'd be deviating too far from canon for comfort if I negated the fact that Feanor has an awful temper. Despite being a good father, this is part of his personality too, and his sons know it. And fear it. I'm sure he probably gave Tyelko reason to run from the forge, screaming and crying. (Actually, I think he might talk about this in the next chapter.) The difference is that, now, he still maintains the ability to see when his temper gets the best of him and try to correct his failings. Later, that's not going to happen as easily ( ... )


the comments keep on flowing anonymous November 4 2005, 16:32:51 UTC
Wowy, the comments for this chapter are springing up so fast I can barely keep up. When I started reading it, there were no comments and now... And the replies... Dawn, how do you do it ( ... )


Re: the comments keep on flowing dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 17:11:01 UTC
When I started reading it, there were no comments and now... And the replies... Dawn, how do you do it?

Lol! I. Don't. Know. ;D

My husband--wonderful, patient man that he is for putting up with me--always snickers behind his hands at me on Fridays. He knows that on Posting Friday, I will be on the computer for most of the day, answering comments.

But I love it. That's why I do it. I've learned so much from the people who write into my LJ; I am really grateful to every one of them. I'd give up lots of things before Posting Fridays and the chaos that follows after! :)

Oh, and it helps that I have a job that could be done by an untrained monkey, where both of my bosses have already left for the day (it is precisely noon, over here), leaving me to play on the Internet and work on my NaNo story as much as I want. (Not that I don't do that when they're here too....)

Pssst... don't tell Feany, but I had a major crush on Finrod a while ago, before I decided that troubled Feanorians are more to my taste.:D I still have a crush on--as ( ... )


aramel_calawen November 4 2005, 15:30:33 UTC
*squees* This must be my favourite-- no, second-favourite-- chapter yet, for all it's so short. Have I mentioned that I love AMC-Celegorm? Cuddly little elflings running away from home...

Huan as a puppy must be so cute.

I imagine Feanor will be angry. I cringe to think of it, though I imagine that if they stay away long enough Feanor will be too glad to get them back to be very, very angered. However, he might just take out his frustration on the nearest people to hand (Nelyo and Macalaure).

Oh, well. There goes our moment of peace. :P


dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 15:43:55 UTC
Lol! But of course! I had to show you all that I *am* capable of writing external conflict, not just all this internal psychobabble stuff.

I think that Dr. Jordan, my abnormal psych professor should be blamed. She made me fall in love with psych to the extent that I changed my major and developed an affinity for working my studies into my writing. ;)

I think it's so interesting to hear which chapters people like best. Everyone's favorite is so different; I've had people say that they don't feel so much for one of my characters and gotten a post from another person, a few minutes later, saying, "I love such-n-such character! And so this is my favorite chapter!"

(I have no idea which is *my* favorite chapter, although the Arafinwe chapter is up there, as are the Nelyo-and-Maca-go-to-the-beach chapters...both still to come.)

As for what happens in the next chapter, Feanaro's reactions, Annawende's condition, the role Orome plays....

Next week. But I can promise some surprises. :)


aramel_calawen November 4 2005, 15:44:27 UTC
... I also just realized that Carnistir's dreams were about the awful things that would happen to them in Middle-Earth. Oh my goodness.

No wonder he was harsh-tempered.


dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 15:47:26 UTC
My thoughts exactly. :)

So little is said about his character that I gave myself a little leave for invention....

*waits for canatic-skewering she knows is coming...*

*dons chainmail, just to be safe*


AMC - Ch. 20 digdigil November 4 2005, 18:03:42 UTC
Another great chapter, with lovely suspense and lovely emotions displayed between Findekano and Tyelkormo. And once Carnistir enters the picture, he kind of takes over, doesn't he? At the end, I thought AHA! Is this where Tyelkormo is going to receive the gift of Huan from Oromë?

I'm just going to say that I was kind of waiting for Findekano to come out of his shell. At the point where Tyelkormo yells at him over the fact that Carnistir has no cloak or boots and says that HE will mind that, I really, really wanted Findekano to step up and tell him off. I don't know, I've probably read too much of Claudio's Findekano and expect him to become the strong, assertive warrior, when I know you're going to do that at some point and now is probably too soon already.

Okay, I just loved several parts of this chapter:

Up close, the burn is even more hideous, an angry red that reminds me of uncooked meat. That is a very nice metaphor, there.

despite the cold words that have passed between us, they lie now only in memory What a beautiful ( ... )


Re: AMC - Ch. 20 dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 18:14:24 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad the suspense comes through okay for you, as this is not one of my strong points and my style tends not to lend itself to suspenseful writing.

Findekano will become time. He has a way to go, and this day, this incident is really the beginning for him. (He won't become as obnoxious, though, as Claudio's Fin in "Never Speak Nor Sing." In Felak!verse, Findekano is really a very gracious, chivalrous lad, even if courageous and all sorts of other nice things.)

Like hott. :-P

I'll probably start sending you chapters to beta once NaNo's over. Is this okay? I need to apply the edits from draft one and don't know if I have the time right now. (Although, if the word count stays high, I may, by the end of the month. Who knows....)


Re: AMC - Ch. 20 digdigil November 4 2005, 18:21:18 UTC
Oh, Fingon's hott alright! Actually, that Beleg icon that I have somewhere made me think of Fingon, not Beleg. I think it was the eyes. *shrugs* Yes, please send me AMC anytime you want me to start betaing. I like to read at night and write in the morning, so instead of reading all kinds of slashfics and getting myself all worked up when I shouldn't be, I wouldn't mind reading AMC now, to tell you the truth. So send away! If you're not ready now, then leave it until after NaNo. I've decided to wait and send you my own fic to be beta'd afterwards, simply because I cannot do rewrites to that, write my NaNo fic and have all these slashy Elves running around in my head at the same time!


Re: AMC - Ch. 20 kaikias November 4 2005, 20:10:43 UTC
He won't become as obnoxious, though, as Claudio's Fin in "Never Speak Nor Sing."

Is that...*googles* yes, it is the fic I'm thinking of. I never much liked it; I generally prefer my Tolkienverse to have the timeless, unreal, whitewashed quality its creator gave it, without the incongruous real-world elements (religious strife, strict caste systems including slavery and sexual exploitation among elves) that that author imported. (And the fact that Eressondo isn't a valid Quenya name, at least not for the meaning he wanted it to have, just tore at me the entire time I was reading the series.)

And then there's how Finrod and Glorfindel were just that far *indicates maybe half a centimeter with her fingers* from Gary Stuhood.

*shrug* But then I've got high and impossible standards.


frenchpony November 4 2005, 18:26:54 UTC
One wonders at this point how Fëanor ever graduated from Aulë's forge training. If he'd been my student, I would have flunked his ass out of a mandatory first-aid and safety class so fast that he wouldn't know if he were coming or going. I don't care who was at fault in that accident or that Tyelko The Putz wasn't paying attention. Two people were severely burned. Two people needed to be taken care of. The first rule of cleanup at an accident site is to be sure that you've accounted for all the wounded and give them treatment. You think about punishment later. Tyelko appears to have a third-degree burn on his hand and should not have been allowed off site without wound care. Then he goes and flings himself down in the dirt. That hand is going to get massively infected -- it's kind of a miracle that he hasn't gone into shock yet -- and scar very badly. It's just a good thing that a) he's an Elf and b) the area of the burn is small, because otherwise, he'd be at risk for a massive case of pneumonia ( ... )


tehta November 5 2005, 05:33:55 UTC
I had assumed that the people at the forge had not noticed Tyelkormo's burn--that they just ordered him out after assuming he'd merely bumped into the smith. Because, yes, otherwise they're being very negligent.

Dawn, I don't have time to do much of a review, so I'll just say that the 'magic' seems reasonable to me--Tolkien's Elves do have some powers that are never fully explained to us--and that I, too, thought that this chapter would lead directly to the acquiring of Huan. Oh, and I don't think you need more description at all.


frenchpony November 5 2005, 12:43:54 UTC
I had assumed that the people at the forge had not noticed Tyelkormo's burn--that they just ordered him out after assuming he'd merely bumped into the smith.

That's severe negligence right there. If there is a major accident and people are hurt, you do not throw anyone out, and you do not assume that any given person is unhurt. You calm everyone down and look at everyone to see who is hurt, precisely so that you don't "not notice" a second/third degree burn like the one Tyelkormo has. He was standing so close to Annawendë when she was hurt that it's just plain stupid not to at least check him for injury as well.


dawn_felagund November 5 2005, 20:00:24 UTC
Thank you! And don't worry about the review; I'm flattered that you read it at all. :)


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