AMC--Chapter Twenty-One

Nov 04, 2005 05:58

It's posting Friday ( Read more... )


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Watta cliff hanger! anonymous November 4 2005, 15:27:29 UTC
O my, do you honestly expect us to wait until next Friday to see how in Arda those three are going to get out of trouble? I mean, this chapter must be the mother of all cliff-hangers. It's not just the danger that the cousins are in, but also Turko's injury. And what happened to Annawende? In another post you told me that something is going to happen to her, but now... I'm almost afraid.

And poor Carnistir... Gods, you really meant it when you said that you are doing something special with him. I have a feeling his life is going to be one long nightmare, if he can already foresee the terrible things that are going to happen to his family. Poor little guy... I loved the interaction between him and Findekano, the way he calls him "Blue, blue Kano" and when he warms his ears.

The whole chapter is beautiful and sad. Pity that Turko had to discover his incompatibility with working in the forge like that. It's a little strange, though, how he fears his father so much and would rather run away. I mean... the Feanaro in your story is the kind of Atar you run to for help and comfort, not run away from in dread. I understand that Turko has some issues and the situation is out of control, but still... I really hope they make it out of this one and I have a sneaky feeling that Orome steps in and the fair Feanorian will discover his true calling. Am I right? LOL, that's the trouble with reading canon before fiction, you kinda know where it's going. :p

Just one question. What does Carnistir mean? Out of all the brothers and the cousins, I have somehow managed to forget what his mother name means. I hope I won't have tomatoes thrown at me for that, and for bieng too lazy to look it up again.

More, more, please! And the sooner, the better!



Re: Watta cliff hanger! dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 15:38:47 UTC
Yes, I am mean and evil and expect everyone to wait until next Friday to see how the boys get out of their self-imposed snafu....

>:-] <--that's me!

Of course, you all *know* that they won't die. So it's not so mean, really. ;)

It's a little strange, though, how he fears his father so much and would rather run away.

I think I'd be deviating too far from canon for comfort if I negated the fact that Feanor has an awful temper. Despite being a good father, this is part of his personality too, and his sons know it. And fear it. I'm sure he probably gave Tyelko reason to run from the forge, screaming and crying. (Actually, I think he might talk about this in the next chapter.) The difference is that, now, he still maintains the ability to see when his temper gets the best of him and try to correct his failings. Later, that's not going to happen as easily.

Plus, as you said, Tyelko has a lot more going on than being afraid of Feanor. He had himself set up to be the son his father wanted--an image of the father, so to speak--and it is becoming abundantly clear that this is not what he is meant to be. He also centered much of his pride and airs of superiority on this, so he's suffered quite the blow to his pride, and we all know how Feanorians react to that. ;)

Just one question. What does Carnistir mean?

It means "red face" in honor of his flushed complexion, inherited from his mother, iirc. Gotta love the oh-so-nice names Feany and Nerds gave their kids, eh? :)

More, more, please! And the sooner, the better!

Lol! Unfortunately, this is the last chapter that I have prepared for posting, so even if I wanted to be nice and alleviate everyone's fears for the little ones' fate, I wouldn't be able to do it right away anyway. Next week, I have to get the next batch of chapters ready, and as my next chapter needs some snipping (as I've changed my opinions on some of the things in it), it'll be until at least Friday.

But after NaNoWriMo's over, I will begin twice-weekly postings! Promise! :)


the comments keep on flowing anonymous November 4 2005, 16:32:51 UTC
Wowy, the comments for this chapter are springing up so fast I can barely keep up. When I started reading it, there were no comments and now... And the replies... Dawn, how do you do it?

Pssst... don't tell Feany, but I had a major crush on Finrod a while ago, before I decided that troubled Feanorians are more to my taste. (Now why on Earth did I write that? Guess I remembered your pen-name and all)

Anyways... the thing that Carnistir is carrying is Huan? Dang! I should have thought of that!

Thanks for telling me what Carnistir's name means. Duh! It is one of those memorable ones and it totally slipped my mind because I have always referred to him as Moryo. You're right, Feanaro and Nerdanel were not always inspired when naming their children. True, his part isn't much of a bother, but Nerdanel's inspiration kind of went out after naming Makalaure(insert Hasty Riser joke here). Plus the Ambarto thing really creeped me out.

*The difference is that, now, he still maintains the ability to see when his temper gets the best of him and try to correct his failings. Later, that's not going to happen as easily.*

Yea, I know, Feanaro has a terrible temper, but I live in a cozy little fiction dream-world where he is perfection incarnate, the Gift of Eru, greatest and fairest of all the Eldar,yatta, yatta(don't let him read this, it'll go straight to his... umm... head)... and I loved him in your story so far. I don't want to see him getting assy and all. Eh, I need a new obsession, and fast!

For my kind of Feanaro, in a way that twists cannon so little that you won't believe it, read Paradise Lost on If you've read it, tell me, is it not amazing?

Gook luck with NaNoWriMo! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.



Re: the comments keep on flowing dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 17:11:01 UTC
When I started reading it, there were no comments and now... And the replies... Dawn, how do you do it?

Lol! I. Don't. Know. ;D

My husband--wonderful, patient man that he is for putting up with me--always snickers behind his hands at me on Fridays. He knows that on Posting Friday, I will be on the computer for most of the day, answering comments.

But I love it. That's why I do it. I've learned so much from the people who write into my LJ; I am really grateful to every one of them. I'd give up lots of things before Posting Fridays and the chaos that follows after! :)

Oh, and it helps that I have a job that could be done by an untrained monkey, where both of my bosses have already left for the day (it is precisely noon, over here), leaving me to play on the Internet and work on my NaNo story as much as I want. (Not that I don't do that when they're here too....)

Pssst... don't tell Feany, but I had a major crush on Finrod a while ago, before I decided that troubled Feanorians are more to my taste.

:D I still have a crush on--as Jenni (digdigil) and I have come to call him--the 'rod, even after discovering the Feanorians. I adopted the name "Felagund" because I have more in common with him than any of the other characters. Oh, and I thought it'd be cool to be a Lord of Caves. Really.

Anyways... the thing that Carnistir is carrying is Huan?

Actually, no. Huan doesn't come into this story. Probably, he'll be in the next installment, whenever that makes its glorious arrival into the world. (I've begun prewriting in my head, but not much else.) And that's all I'm saying about what Carni is carrying. I'll leave it for next week. >;-]

Plus the Ambarto thing really creeped me out.

I deny the existence of that story. Really. It is one of the main reason that I wave my "HoMe Is Not Canon" flags as hard as I do. Everything about it--especially Feanor's reactions and the fact that Amrod (or whichever one lived; my denial won't allow me to remember) just stalked away and went on living--no. No. No. No. I like both my twins alive and well, thank you!

I don't know if I've read "Paradise Lost" or not. The server at Pit of Voles appears to be down at the moment. Grrrr.... If I haven't (and I've read all the Feanorian Silmfic on there except recent additions because I simply have no time), then I will definitely check it out. You have me intrigued.

Gook luck with NaNoWriMo! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Thank you! It's going great so far! The moment I reach 50K will be the moment heard around LJ, so you'll be sure to know. ;)


Re: Watta cliff hanger! aramel_calawen November 4 2005, 15:39:08 UTC
Methinks that Turko's reasons for running away are basically:

He feels that it's his fault Annawende got hurt;
He's been banned from the forge, Feanor was majorly angry, Nelyo probably is pretty annoyed with him too (see point 1), he's having a bout of regret for picking on Fingon, and feeling rather abashed that Fingon's being nice to him;
He's pretty stressed, and is no good in the forge;
He feels that his life is pretty awful.

Drat, I wish I could study psychology, just to get inside these Feanorians' minds.


Re: Watta cliff hanger! dawn_felagund November 4 2005, 15:46:04 UTC
Psychology is a dangerous thing. I majored in psychology and minored in writing, the result of which was the compulsion to write an overlong novel about mentally ill Elves....

(Well, not mentally ill yet...perhaps the factors that led to later mental illness? ;D)


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