Wedensday Wonderings and Gmail

Apr 03, 2024 18:13

It has been an ambivalent day. The weather has been shambolic, with rain, dark clouds and occasional sunshine.
Nonetheless, I personally had a good day playing records and doing some decluttering.

I have the installers replacing my windows tomorrow, and it is all part of the update we must have to conform to regulations living in this accommodation. We don't have to pay for it directly but out of the rent,I guess.

They will be here tomorrow from eight in the morning for two hours.

Then I will head off to Ashford to do my two mystery shop visits. Once I return, I will head into Spoons to meet Phil for beers.

Oh, and did anybody get caught out with April Fools Day on Monday morning?

What most people may not know, is that Monday was the 20th anniversary of GMail.

Do you still use Gmail? I do.

life, thoughts, visits, gnail, weather, music

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