Hustle up some Criminals

Jun 29, 2006 20:29

I did something different last night. I watched TV! AMC has started a new season of Hustle and I knew I wanted to watch it. Since I have a bad habit of forgetting if something's on. I went ahead and sat down to watch before the show started and ended up watching Criminal Minds.

I've only watched about 2 episodes of CM. I liked the idea, and I am a fan of Mandy Patinkin, so I knew I'd like the show. Unfortunately, it was opposite something else I watched, so I never really got to see it much. Last night's episode about the cult and the local Apache was interesting. Mandy didn't really take the forefront, but I do like the little geeky guy who knows everything. I liked him in the pilot and other episode I saw too. The guest stars were good. I don't like Thomas Gibson all that much, and since this ep focused on him, I was less than impressed. I still think it has all the halmarks of a good show, but compared to something like say CSI it doesn't hold up that well. I need to watch more episodes to really make up my mind.

And now Hustle. If you've never watched the show, it's a BBC show that AMC has bought the rights to. The show is about a group of con artists and whichever job they're currently on. It features Robert Vaughn (of The Man from Uncle and The Magnificent Seven) as the elder statesman. Also, for those of you that are Dr. Who fans, that liked the blond guy from "Love and Monsters," that's Marc Warren.

He's the new guy on the team that is still learning. He's as sweet and cheeky here as he was on Who. The man with the plan is played by Adrian Lester who is quite good. (You might remember him as the black scientist with Ian Holm in The Day After Tomorrow. He's also apparently has a small part in Spider-Man 3.)

I like this show because unlike most mystery shows where you backtrack until you figure out how the crime was done, here you get to see the crime build up and flow. It's a lot of fun rooting for the guys. They aren't bad people and they only take from those that can afford it. One of their rules is "you can't cheat an honest man." Because it's greed that usually ropes the people in. An honest man won't try to cut corners or take advantage of someone, and there for there's no way to lure him out of his money. Sure, they could steal from good people, but it's easier to take from the bad.

This week's ep was okay. I liked the whole music industry slant, but it wasn't as involved as previous cons. The twist ending was pretty good. I'm looking forward to next week because last season when they pitted Mickey against Danny all hell about broke loose. This time it looks to be even wilder.


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