pajama biking

Aug 05, 2011 23:06

last night the boyfriend said "i love you," but it was in relation to something funny i did or said, and he was drunk. but the words still stuck in my head, and i don't remember what exactly caused him to say that. he said it with such joy, ease, and whimsy and it didn't sound serious or dramatic at all.

it was a wild night. my inhibitions flew away like bats out of my head. the night involved pajama biking, public pool love, drunkenness, nakedness, and other mayhem. i'm sure i made a fool of myself but i didn't really care.

getting back to his house felt like an epic lord of the rings saga over jagged peaks and through giant spider webs, but we were really just walking our bikes on the neutral ground through carrollton, or rather stumbling our bikes. curling up on the grass, or even the trolley tracks seemed like a grand idea at the time; but there was a little bat still in my head, and it said you must put one foot in front of the other until you are inside the house, up the stairs, and on the bed.

once inside the front door we parted ways, he to the kitchen and me up the stairs. when i woke up he was sprawled out between me and a plate full of food. perhaps he had thought of me enough to try to bring me some, but i had already passed out.

much of today was spent locating a couple of lost belongings, becoming sober again, and talking with friends to find out more about what exactly happened.

relationships, fun, new orleans, decadence, love, desire

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