I've noticed that in January some folks do a round up of their writing for the previous year. Instead of that, I decided to do a recap of my codas for Supernatural season 6. This is the first year I have consistently done a coda for every episode thus far, and in a few cases, more than one. As the new episodes are coming back this week (FINALLY), I plan to try and keep up the trend but in the meantime, here's a quick listing.
Codas for Season Six
Me, Myself & ISoulless Sam doesn't want to die. Sam gets his soul shoved into his body by Death. Hijinks ensue.
Three SpiritsSam has his soul back and there's a wall he's not supposed to mess with. Dean heads for the Braedens' on Christmas Eve and Sam encounters three spirits.
Read ThisDean heads off to make a deal with Death and leaves his brother a letter, just in case.
Back DoorsLeprechaun 'Wayne Whitakker' tells his fae friends about a trip he made downstairs.
The Secret Post-Apocalyptic Online Diary of Soulless Sammy WinchesterTitle says it all.
These Dreams, AgainAn exhausted Dean sends Sam out for food and finally falls asleep, only to find himself dreaming...
Missing SceneNot technically a coda, just a fragment of an offscreen scene.
Mortal CoilDean faces the fact that something is wrong with Sam. In spite of his rage, he listens to his hands.
The Hollow ManSam's POV. The shit has hit the fan with Dean, and Sam ponders his current existence.
These DreamsAU coda, Dean uses dreamroot to try and reach his brother.
Ghost Hunters InternationalThe boys are in Scotland, returning from helping Bobby get his soul back from Crowley. Sam finds them a local hunt.
InventorySam checks himself out and can't figure out what's missing.
Beat the DevilDean meets his brother and Sam notices his ride.
And When I DieA Campbell falls in the line of duty. Sam is present at the pyre.
In hindsight, not accurate for Sam as he was at the time, as it turns out, but I like it anyway.
The FixA scene that never happened, betwee Lisa and Sam.
TracksSam's been back for a year, something's off. But he discovers it's better with Dean.
Note: This was my first coda of the season, we didn't know anything. However in hindsight, it may actually be closer to what is now sealed behind "the wall".