(o15)(video/action) ♐ until i realize that it was you who held me under

Nov 06, 2011 16:07

[ filtered to outworlders ]

[ Buffy starts the broadcast just before she gets home from this. She's on a familiar street just outside the scooby apartment when the video turns on. She looks pissed. More pissed than she's ever been. ]

The Crimson Terror's still alive and well on this planet. Those warehouses, they weren't their only base. [ ( Read more... )

buffy summers

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Comments 258

[actionspam] ♑ ota who could/would be in the apartment slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:11:35 UTC
[ Buffy stops at the kitchen counter, setting down the datapad and taking a minute to swallow down her rage before turning to address her friends as a whole. ]

It's Angel. He's working with them. Has been for -- God, I wish I knew. [ There's a harsh, embittered laugh at that. ] Whatever they did to him, whatever Wolfram & Hart pulled ... They won. He's gone.

[ She rubs a hand over her face, trying to fight down the obvious hysteric fury that's building in her and causing tremors to run under her skin. ]

Andrew. The weapons chest in my room -- can you? [ She spares him a glance. ] Something sharp.


[actionspam] ♑ ota who could/would be in the apartment perspectiveguy November 6 2011, 23:28:11 UTC
[ When Buffy comes in mid-conversation, Xander's at the counter in the kitchen, making food. So, when he hearts that part, he listens before watching Buffy as she finishes her broadcast. Best thing right now, he turns the oven off. He'd rather not burn their food or their apartment. ]

Angel? [ A few I-told-you-so's and neener-neener's wouldn't be well placed. ] I thought he was all of a sudden even a partial good guy. Or of the good guys. Wolfram and Hart. Lawyers got to him? In space? Crafty --

Wait, are you going -- Angel sent them after you?


imnot_likeyou November 6 2011, 23:36:29 UTC
[and this would be the point where Sam raises his hand because]

... Who's Angel? And ... who's Wolfram and Hart?

[these are very important questions that Sam does not yet have the answers to.]


breakmychest November 6 2011, 23:49:44 UTC
[Spike stares at her, his eyes dark with something between anger, worry, and... well, more anger, but only a little of it's directed at her. He's also pissed at Angel.]

You should have said something sooner.


shehulksmash November 6 2011, 23:16:57 UTC
The Crimson Terror, what is the world is that? I mean, other than obvious nasty organisation given the fine choice of name.


slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:20:32 UTC
Terrorists. Idiots. Extremists. Whatever pretty word you wanna use, you can pretty much be certain the end definition sums up to wanting you dead. You, and every other person who's not from this universe. They were responsible for the explosions at the hospitals. For the plague. For pretty much every attempt to make living here just a little bit harder for us.


shehulksmash November 6 2011, 23:30:00 UTC
Oh. I don't think I was here for any explosions at hospitals or a plague, but since I am now.. if you need any help just give me a call okay? I'm not exactly busy and fighting super-powered terrorist groups and otehr nasty individuals happens to be a speciality of mine. And, you know, I hate seeing people hurt.


slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:34:29 UTC
I'll keep that in mind. [ It's curt and cool, but she's not really in recruitomode right now. The only tie she has for sure on where to find what remains of the Terror is Angel, and that's personal. ]


excessivehubris November 6 2011, 23:26:17 UTC
[Charles is back in the library, knee deep in something that is less than pleasant when her feed across the data pad catches his attention.]

The Crimson, what? And more importantly, are you all right?


slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:27:58 UTC
I'm alive. Which is a little better condition than what they had planned for me, so I'd call that one a rousing success. [ She looks tee'd though. ] They're a terrorist organization. Anti-outworlder. Responsible for making some hospitals get their asplodey on. Responsible for a plague that swept the entire planet and killed more than I care to count. And responsible for every other little thing that makes living here just a little harder on all of us.


excessivehubris November 6 2011, 23:41:41 UTC
[He pulls himself out of where he'd still been half in his work to take a moment and work out that 'asplodey' probably equals 'explodey' or you know 'explosions'.

Buffy to English dictionary, he's working on it. Her comment about the plague triggers a memory of something he'd come across while mind skipping, though its just bits and pieces.]

Sounds absolutely delightful. Though if they're anti-outworlder why would they leverage an outworlder asset? Who are these people.

And, ah, alive is good, glad to hear it.


slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:43:25 UTC
Someone to use. Someone to get them info. I don't doubt eventually, they'd turn on whatever asset they have, too. But, for right now, he's doing them some good. Or, they think he is ...

As for how they got over their racism to understand that little bit of logic ... I don't know.


im_apimp November 6 2011, 23:29:49 UTC
And here I thought I was on vacation.

[sigh. well, at least they're all in the same boat]

What can you tell me about how they operate?


slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:36:46 UTC
They work under the radar mostly, in some kind of hierarchy. They recruit in the lower levels, if you know where to go, they'll find you. It's how we tracked down what I thought was all of them last time. Looks like I was wrong. Most of their plans have been pretty large scale. Hard to trace back to them.


im_apimp November 7 2011, 00:05:57 UTC
How easy is it to get in a spy?


slayerdom November 7 2011, 00:16:10 UTC
I've never tried. I'mt not exactly undercover gal.

[ private ]

Do you -- ?


reprobaverum November 6 2011, 23:30:57 UTC
Buffy, are you all right?

[ He just saw her. They were waiting. It was a grand ol gay time. How -- ]

You were attacked?


slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:37:48 UTC
They lost. [ It's kind of a non-answer. ]


reprobaverum November 6 2011, 23:51:49 UTC
[ It's an answer that makes him worry less? ]

I think it's safe to say, "Be careful?" I'd rather not lose the best shiftmate...It's like roommate and shift - you got it. Seriously, Buffy. Stay safe.

So, does this mean all Outworlders are fair game? We should...all be careful?


slayerdom November 7 2011, 00:23:36 UTC
Every one of us. I wouldn't call any of us safe until this planet's Terror-free. Completely.


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