(o15)(video/action) ♐ until i realize that it was you who held me under

Nov 06, 2011 16:07

[ filtered to outworlders ]

[ Buffy starts the broadcast just before she gets home from this. She's on a familiar street just outside the scooby apartment when the video turns on. She looks pissed. More pissed than she's ever been. ]

The Crimson Terror's still alive and well on this planet. Those warehouses, they weren't their only base. [ ( Read more... )

buffy summers

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im_apimp November 6 2011, 23:29:49 UTC
And here I thought I was on vacation.

[sigh. well, at least they're all in the same boat]

What can you tell me about how they operate?


slayerdom November 6 2011, 23:36:46 UTC
They work under the radar mostly, in some kind of hierarchy. They recruit in the lower levels, if you know where to go, they'll find you. It's how we tracked down what I thought was all of them last time. Looks like I was wrong. Most of their plans have been pretty large scale. Hard to trace back to them.


im_apimp November 7 2011, 00:05:57 UTC
How easy is it to get in a spy?


slayerdom November 7 2011, 00:16:10 UTC
I've never tried. I'mt not exactly undercover gal.

[ private ]

Do you -- ?


private forever } im_apimp November 7 2011, 00:20:09 UTC
It's what I was built for. Spying, assassinations, all that fun stuff -- I've been trained to do it since I was old enough to walk.

[he says it like it's not a big deal, but he knows that to some people it is. so he's bracing himself for this to go either way, but he's hoping that if Buffy's pissed, she'll let the moral outrage go long enough to let him be useful.]


slayerdom November 7 2011, 00:22:59 UTC
If you're an expert spy, then how do I know I can trust you to be on our side?


im_apimp November 7 2011, 00:30:49 UTC
[ ... and now Alec might be a little offended. This is why a lot of the time, he doesn't bother to offer to help. People don't trust. And this also isn't to say he hasn't played the double agent for the wrong side in the past, but this effects all of them, he has friends here.]

Because I don't like it when people attack people for bullshit reasons that they can't control. I get enough of that at home -- I don't want to lose more friends because of it.

[a sigh, because that got a little more personal than he intended]

Look, you're telegraphing the fact that this is personal across state lines, but if you don't want my help, fine. I don't have to help. I just thought that you might want more muscle, since you seem to be the one leading the charge, and this is what I do.


slayerdom November 7 2011, 00:41:20 UTC
[ He's got a point. Even furious, she can acknowledge that. She takes a minute to calm herself down and gives him a leveled look. ]

Fine. I'll take all the bodies I can get. These guys are dangerous and they're big. Way big. Multiple planets big. But, what you'd have to do -- [ She bites her tongue. ] Think on it. I'm not going to stop you, and I'll keep in contact with you every step of the way if you really want to do this. But, think on it. I don't want you throwing yourself into this headfirst without thinking.


im_apimp November 7 2011, 00:48:59 UTC
[she has a point there. he won't disagree with that. He ponders that for a minute, before responding]

Let me talk to a contact of mine. I'll get back to you in a few days.


slayerdom November 7 2011, 01:07:48 UTC
Take your time. I'm not going anywhere.


im_apimp November 7 2011, 01:15:34 UTC
[nods, and with that, he'll snap off the feed]


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