Why the hell am I doing this?

Jan 28, 2010 20:52

And by this I mean my PhD. Srsly, why do I even bother? I spend most of today trying to index a phase I synthesized. What does that mean? You don't want to know, trust me. It's about x-ray diffraction, symmetry and lots of frustration. Basically it went like this:

Me: *opens program*
Program: Hey there, how do you like my DOS look? Really brings back memories, doesn't it?
Me: Yeah, just great. *types in raw data which consists of several columns of numbers and types and types, because there is no way to import the data from somewhere else*
Me: Fuck, I made a typo. What now?
Program: I'm sorry, there is no way to fix this right now, you may try again later. Just make sure you don't forget the exact place you made a mistake, because I won't tell you. This is a DOS program after all.
Me: ... *finishes typing*
Program: So, you finished? Okay, then how about the program settings for this fun little exercise?
Me: Erm, I have no idea? What do these options do? This description is totally arcane.
Program: *eyeroll* Honestly, woman. If you don't know what you're doing, then just leave everything on default.
Me: Fine. *starts calculation*
Program: Wee, this is fun. Do you see all these numbers flashing by?
Me: Yes I do. Anything of it useful?
Program: Uh, no. Sorry.
Me: Great. Now what?
Program: Change the setting, duh.
Me: I hate you. *changes settings more or less at random, starts calculation again*
Program: Weee, here we go again.
Me: Well?
Program: Don't be so fucking impatient. Here, have this result.
Me: *studies result* Wait, what? This makes absolutely no sense.
Program: Hey, don't look at me like this. I just do the math. It's not my fault you're too stupid to get the settings right.
Me: &§(/e@/$%"&§!


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