I'm such a .... *sigh*

Jul 31, 2010 01:15

Okay, so on the first day of class we find out we have to write a 3 page paper "Revolution Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America's Independence", the reading book assigned in class (that what the stupid reading quizzes have been over.... never heard of a reading quiz in a history class before but hey...) and it's due August 2nd.

Yeah, I only realized yesterday that the 2nd is this Monday. *sigh* I have read the book, I have to say it is the first interesting boring book I've ever read. I have no freaking clue what I'm gonna say. All I know is I'm glad I do my best work at the last minute. I just wish I had realized the date sooner so I could at least think about the book more.

Oh well..  Wish me luck!!! 
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