Stupid Tests

Jul 23, 2010 16:00

Okay, so I had this test Thursday, via the internet (love those) and I have this study guide that the instructor gave out with a list of terms (76 freaking terms of things and people) and a few discussion questions to help with the test. I spend from 3 in the afternoon until 9:19 Wednesday night getting the terms defined and answering the questions so I'll know all for the test. ..... Okay, I did take a about 30 min to have supper, but still .... I spent 6 hours on this....

Now remember, it was given over the internet, to be taken at home, so the book and the study guide would be right there with us for the test.... I had only gotten the book the late in the evening on Tuesday so I had only just started reading the text. (Which really isn't a bad book to read considering it's history.)

Anyway, He said he would put the test by at midnight and leave it up until 10:30 Thursday night, but once you started you only had 2 hours to finish the test. I honestly didn't think it would take all that long, I mean come on, he gave us the study guide right, it should all be right there..... Yeah, I should have known better. So, knowing it would be easier for me to take the test at midnight rather than wait until the afternoon or evening, I stayed up (sooo not hard) and took it at Midnight. Remember those 76 terms he gave...  that I spent all those hours looking up?  Yeah, there would only about 5 that he actually used in the test. And the when they were used it was in a TOTALLY different way than you would think. For instance, rather than Ben Franklin did this? He had, ____ was kicked out of ____ colony for such and such reason.

There were even a few questions I had to go to the internet for because they weren't in the book. Oh, I just checked my score and I made an A... (Yea me...) Thank God the book and the internet were there to help. The next Book Exam will be in class..  How the HELL am I gonna pass that one.

Oh well.. *sigh* As much as I'm complaining about this class you would think I hate it. And I don't really. I've learn a bit but damn ... it'd be nice to have a study guide that actually helped in the class ya know?

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