Things I currently am: FREEZING.
Things I am currently not: WARM.
And yet, the weather is supposed to be 70F today. I'm not sure I believe it. Either that, or they pre-emptively turned the air conditioners up to arctic blast at work already, and it is WAY too early in spring for that shit. My hands are ice cold. BRRRRR.
I finished an 18k fic (warcraft fandom) yesterday - I need to do edits before posting. Gdocs on the ipad and the computer use two different spell/punctuation checkers, which is odd. at least on my ipad it doesn't catch everything, so I have to do a second pass on the computer. And THEN I need to do a sweep for my own errors, because I think I changed the time frame several times in that way where "five days ago", "two weeks ago", and "over a week ago" are all supposed to refer to the SAME EVENT and I have therefore messed myself up and need to pick one and correct.
I will be posting one chapter at a time (there's 4 chapters and I'm already writing on the sequel as of this morning) with a day or two delay between chapters because of the aforementioned edits and also there is a surprise that goes with this fic (ART. Shocking revelation, it's ART.)
So yeah - y'all can look forward to that, if you care for a dose of some of my OCs and some fantasy rpg game based fic set in WoW at the start of the current expansion. Wheeee! (Now to finish the art. >_> I'm reduced to glacial speed in art production right now, I'm so out of practice. Working on it!)
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