Also, health things

Mar 27, 2017 11:01

Going back to the 10mg dose of the Adderall. The 15mg dose just gives me insomnia but doesn't actually help any better with the focus that I can tell. Somewhat less, actually, because now I have insomnia, can't sleep until around midnight or 1am, and am dead tired when I get up at 5am, so that's less than helpful.

The doctor (not my long term usual one, this is a different one who's overseeing the Adderall for me) also finally felt it necessary to tweak at me about my weight. The wanting to check my weight I understand, because a side effect can be loss of appetite and too-fast weight loss. This is not the case for me - my appetite is fine, my weight remains exactly the same.

So out of nowhere the doctor comes out with "but you really could stand to lose some weight for your blood sugar and blood pressure, I'd love to see you drop five pounds by the next time I see you."

I stopped and STARED at her. Just stared, until she was noticeably uncomfortable with the look I was giving her. Because yes, I KNOW. I know I could improve my blood work numbers by losing a few pounds. No shit. DUH. I have known this for years. And I have attempted assorted means of dropping weight, which perpetually means I can get down to about 175, maybe 173, and then waffle around depending on the time of day, the day of the month, how much water I'm retaining, etc, etc, between 173-178. That's where the body wants to sit, period.

And it's still cold, so no I'm not exercising that much, but I do eat pretty damned healthy. Maybe a little starch heavy, but see the bit about "COLD" - I can't make myself eat cold salads when it's cold. It's all stews and soups and things over brown rice right now.

So the doc babbled a bit about how much benefit there was in just a tiny bit of exercise a day, or one meatless meal a week, how she's struggled with her own weight but she's managed to loose 15 pounds in a year and even if I just lost one pound a month, just one....

"You want to see me again in THREE months," I told her flatly. "THREE. That means THREE pounds, not FIVE."

She stopped and backpeddled right there, agreed that yes, three was reasonable, totally reasonable, even two sounded good, that was totally fine, and I continued to give her the "you are a fucking DUMB ASS BITCH who is not telling me anything I don't know and WHOSE DAMNED CANNED LECTURE IS UNWANTED BULLSHIT" glare until she dropped the subject and just went about scheduling me for my followup about the Adderall in three months.

Just... REALLY? really? Fuck that shit. I do what I can when I can. I eat healthy, we cook almost all our food at home, I've got portion sizes pretty much down pat, I don't snack much, and no I don't exercise in fucking winter when it's cold as fuck and I'm freezing and lethargic from the cold. Just fuck everything that makes them think they have to trot that shit out like a broken recording.

Me losing 2-3 pounds in three months? Has a lot more to do with time of day, day of month, and how much water I've drunk that morning than anything else. Also, my clothes fit better NOW then they did before, and it's because I've shifted things to muscle from the house moving and additional stairs I have to climb per day now. It is just so much fucking bullshit, and I'm done with nodding along with the lectures. If I'm still 178 in three months but have visible arm muscles, I'm going to tell her to fuck right off.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. ::
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