Long Time No Post

Jun 29, 2009 20:54

It has been a long time since I have posted anything mostly because I had no drive too or was far too busy. I went through a really long period of deep depression because my insurance company dropped me without any warning. Well I filled out all the paper work and turned it in. Four months later no word and no insurance, and more importantly no meds. Not only was I severly depressed but could not see a doctor or go to a hospital because I had no way to pay for it. Besides my depression I began having continuous heart palpatations. Never a good sign. My mother became so concerned she went made an appointment for herself and spoke with my doctor. My doctor was not happy witht the insurance company for not giving advanced notice considering my conditions. YOu cannot simply stop depression or heart medications without serious problems ensuing. She managed to get me one of my blood pressure medications and one of my depression medications and so things got a little better but not much. I was at least able to get out of bed and make the phone call to the insurance company to find out what was going on. Turns out my paper work had been there for months and simply hadn't been looked at. I was furious but didn't let on. I mean the person who was talking to me wasn't at fault. She assured me that my paper work would be looked over by the next week.Well it made me feel a bit better and I was ablt to relax. Well the next week I went into the pharmacy and was charged ten dollars just for one of my medications, I take eight. My heart dropped thinking that my cover charges were going to be too expensive from now on that I would have to do without. Well I was upset and unsure what to do. The next day I got a letter saying my insurance had not been fully restored because they needed more information. I was relieved but get this. They want proof that I have no income. How exactly do you prove that? Go to your non-empoloyer and ask for a non-paystub? Well we're going to work on getting that worked out.

Now on the positive side I've gotten back to acting. I'm currently involved with the Community Theater here in town and I'm really enjoying it. And I am currently in the process of publishing my first novel. I'm waiting for the company to send me the suggested cover design and then they will begin printing the book. I don't think it's really hit me yet. I don't think it will until I'm holding it in my hands. So even though I have had my obvious drama there has been some very uplifting moments lately.

life, depression

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