A 9/11 Love Story

Sep 11, 2009 22:22

As we all know, 8 years ago terrorists hijacked 4 west-bound planes and deliberately crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania killing almost 3000 people. Life in America ground to a halt that day as we all sat glued to the TV or radio. I myself was working the night shift at the time and had gotten up around 10am or so for some reason and another and being shocked at seeing Peter Jennings on the TV telling me that one of the towers had been hit and being even more shocked as another plane flew into view and crashed into the other tower.

We all know what happened next. Hundreds of firemen, policemen, Port Authority officials, and other rescue workers rushed into the towers, only to have them collapse upon them.

I don't think there is an American that wasn't touched in someway by the events of 9/11 and the sacrifices of those who tried to help. And I honour those who died that day and the many others who have sacrificed in someway since then to honour them.

But this is a love story.

A little over five years ago, we discovered that April was pregnant. We hadn't planned on having another child, but I guess Someone Else had other plans. As she approached her due date, her doctor decided that if she hadn't gone into labour by Monday (it was currently a Friday), she was going to induce. We said ok and started to schedule accordingly. I informed my boss that I was going to take my FMLA leave starting Monday and went back to the doctor with the paperwork. As we were filling it out, we all noticed that Monday was September 11. The doctor asked us if we wanted to schedule it for Tuesday instead. April and I looked at each other and decided that, no, Monday would be fine, let's create some happiness on that day.

So, on that September 11th, 3 years ago, Lilith Rhiannon Siobhan was born.

Happy Third Birthday, my sweet, beautiful baby girl. You have brought happiness to a dark day. Continue to shine.
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