Health Care in America

Aug 14, 2009 13:57

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, Conservative or Liberal, Black or White, or anywhere in-between, you must realize that there are big problems in America with the health care system. Please note I said *SYSTEM*, not with the health care it self. And by that, I include the insurance companies and health care corporations, which make up the majority of the problem as I see it.

ulitave mentioned that as a business model it "cannot provide quality health care (not insurance, but care) for everyone." I totally agree, but I will add that it cannot provide the insurance to everyone as well, as obvious as that may sound.

So, if you have a good job or are well off, you won't have a problem with the current system. Yet.

Eleven years ago, I started working at a company that provided health care benefits. To cover myself, my wife, and my kid(s), it cost me $35 a week with low deductibles and low out-of-pocket costs. Currently, to cover myself, my wife, and my kids, it costs me $112 a week and my deductibles have gone up as well as my out-of-pocket costs.

I used to spend more money on gas every week. Not anymore, even with gas costs going up.

And now the Obama administration has proposed a health care overhaul. And a lot of people don't like it. I'm not sure I like it. But where are the alternatives? I have heard nothing about anything else except that what Obama proposes is bad for the country. So I want to hear a proposal, any proposal, to what Obama wants. Challenge me, challenge the politicians. But just saying that it doesn't need fixing is not an alternative.

But this is my fear : Captain Tripps.

We have a large majority of uninsured and under-insured. An uninsured individual contracts Captain Tripps and because of their uninsured status, this individual either goes to the ER or a community clinic, where they come into contact with many other people, most of whom at said places are probably also uninsured. And from there it spreads.

Maybe I'm being illogically paranoid. But we are overdue for a pandemic on the scale of the 1918-19 Spanish flu.

So what would you want to do?
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