get spooky!

Apr 02, 2008 19:19

Okay first of all, LET'S TALK TOP MODEL!

I like Anya! Anya should totally win. She already looks like a model. I want to photograph her! Whitney's not bad either. Of all of the "plus size" models (that term is laughable... although I suppose in the modelling world, a size 10 is big) that have been on the show, she is definitely the one who could win it. Honestly, I'd really love to see Top Model finally give it to a "plus sized" girl. You know? It's about time, come on. Although honestly, all chubby girl comraderie aside, it's all about Anya, man. Katarzyna is super cute, but seems like more of a catalogue model.

Who do I hate? WELL. First and foremost, I can't stand Lauren. That girl is so goddamned annoying, I want to punch her teeth in. She's not good looking... I wouldn't give her a second look even if I saw her on the street dressed to the nines. I don't know, I just don't think she has a model face whatsoever. Nothing about her is "model" material... it seems like she's on that show as a joke. Which it is, but still. I just find her incredibly irritating and whiney, and she's an oaf, and not in an endearing way.
Dominique is also a douchebag, but I'm sure most people don't like her either. Again, as with Lauren, I don't think she has a model face. It's too masculine.
Claire sucked and was a stupid plastic-faced biatch, but she's gone now, although I REALLY wanted Lauren to go home tonight. Ugh.
Everyone else I'm pretty neutral on. Fatima kind of bugs me but she looks so much like a runway model.

Blablabla, okay now that I feel totally superficial and mindless... onto other things!

I'm in the mood for weird Japanese noise rock today. Melt Banana and Guitar Wolf, what's up?

My Shirt Killer order finally came today! Yay! New Genghis Tron record, a;sdjakjds;fakjds;f!!! Whheeeee I've only listened to the first two tracks so far but I'm going to set aside some time a little later to take in the amazingness. This also means new Baroness album for moi. I'm not as excited for that but it should still be good and heavy.


I rode my bike to and from work today for the first time. Jesus Murphy, I didn't realize what a freaking trek that'd be. It takes me approximately 45 minutes each way. Seriously, if I start doing that journey there and back, every day... I am going to have a KILLER ass and legs. Killer. Especially if I keep increasing the difficulty of my gears as I get better at it. There are some serious uphill chunks! Whew. So now, if I include biking to work, and let's say realistically I do it three times a week out of five... there's three 90-minute biking/cardio sessions, add that to three strength-training sessions and three 30-minute cardio sessions at the gym per week, and my crunches and twice a week yoga sessions...?!
This is the most consistent working out I've ever done! The most working out, period! I can't believe it, I'm shocking myself here. Gotta keep it up, don't fall out of this sweet routine.


Books... gotta talk books! I'm currently reading Marilyn Manson's autobiography. Ha ha. Weird, right? Dave had it and I've always wanted to read it, so I have been, and I have to say, it's a great book so far! I wanted to read it just for the nostalgia, because of what a HUGE Marilyn Manson fan I used to be like, what, ten years ago? I thought it would be a lark, but like I said, it's actually turning out to be a good read. Well-written, informative, interesting, intriguing... and plenty o' neat photos!
Honestly, if I would have read this back when I was really into him, I would have splooged all over my black satin sheets. I have to confess, there is still something sexy about him. I don't quite know what it is. All I have to say is, I would fuck him, no questions asked. Hell, I'd probably even date him. Weird! I didn't know I was still sexually attracted to Marilyn Manson. Whack! Actually, it's funny because back in the days when he was younger and didn't wear much makeup, he kind of reminds me of Dave, a lot... same body, long black hair, similar faces though Dave has a smaller nose. Haha! Someone, I can't remember who, pointed it out to me a little while ago, and now I'm just like, DUH!

Damn, son!

Ahaha. This whole journey with reading this book and everything is totally fucking with me, taking me back to hilarious early-teenage spooky kid goth days. Memory lane! I love it! Sigh! I think it's totally geeky nowadays, but ah... back then... being young and silly and looking like a total outcast... loved it. This is a total trip!!!


Okay, enough. I feel like a nerd right now, ogling some goth boy I used to be majorly hot in the pants for... one more thing about growing old that I hate! All of the fun awesome things you used to be so into now seem stupid and you make fun of people who are into the same things now... argh. That's what being young is all about, man! Being a complete dork and not even knowing or caring about it (well, you care about being dorky, but you don't realize that what you think is cool then is actually really dorky to adults).

Yo, I even started a Facebook group today for ex-spooky kids. Bahaha. I've gotta go dig up some old photos from my eight bazillion shoeboxes stuff with photo paraphenalia.

boys, tv babble, crushes, bands, memory lane, working out, music nerding, my past, books, health

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