September 13th update

Sep 14, 2008 00:34

So, a lot has happened in the past two week:

Labour day: Went to the Sonata Artica + Nightwish show, saw Harua, Shigeki and his roomate and Yoshi, a lolita from Québec City. Was fun, alas Sonata played only 45 minutes, I wanted more!!! And Annette, well... it shows too much that she's a country singer, she moves in a vulgarish country way that annoyed me, but other then that, I had a blast and I enjoyed myself a lot.
Left early and took a bus. Went to sleep with Nick.

Tuesday: first day of school for Nick, went to drop him, get him for lunch and then back to school and picked him up again for supper. At first, he tried to be the boss, but it didn't work out, so in the afternoon, he was better. Had a weird dream about Gatika-kun (Julien) becoming a pop singer. As he's always in black or black and white or red, it came as a shock to me to see him in Gackt's Papa Lapped a Pap Lopped kind of outfit and moves...

Wednesday: MRI and Xrays at the hospital, then bus and work. MRI is lound and annoying, I was glad to be my size, not claustophobic, not overweight or with respiratory troubles and to be partially deaf. Told Gatika and Mad about the weird dream. Mad said I was probably fantasizing over Gatika becoming Gackt2 and Gatika said he AIMS to become a Gackt2 if he can. I was further traumatised...

worked Thrusday and that's all

Friday, I worked, then headed to L2, played Milles Bornes with some regular customers, learned that one of them has lived in Japan for 2 years, gave him my email, got nice comments on my headbow with a black rose I made, then weekend: came over to St-Hyacinthe, spent time with Nick.
Took a bus, went back to MTL, work, work,

Wednesday: took a bus to St-Hyacinthe, went to the PTA meeting, saw Nick's masterpieces, he did well compared to some other kids that drew their Apple trees in a weird bushy shapes and Nick's one of the only ones that looked like a real apple tree, only the leaves were square. Guess I'll have to show him some painting techniques.
He also made a basket with appels in playdough, it looked nice. Teacher complained about Nick's behaviour a little, but said the issue is just with mornings, he's always fine in the afternoon, weird...

Chatted with Gatika-kun some, when he said he was leaving, sweet dreams, I replied they would be sweet if he didn'T come haunt them and traumatise me again, he said he could come traumatise me IRL if I so desired. (WTF?!!) and I replied it would have to wait until the next evening because I wasn't in MTL.
Slept with Nick, took a bus, went to work.

First thing my workmate say to me after "Hi, How are you? Glad to see you!" is that we got robbed the previous nights so we had new security rules. I was flabbergasted, it's the third time this year. They didn't leave any traces near the doors, but the alarm rang twice in 4 minutes and they completely ripped the door appart from the (not so) safe. I thought Gatika wouldn't need to come traumatise me, finally, I had another worst trauma now: these things happen only on my days off. ..
So I've been leaving work late late late on purpose. As long as I'm there to keep the place, they won't come in... They stole our tips for the week (about 160$), about 600$ worth of change and 2 fakes 100$ bills the boss was keeping for training purposes...

Friday, I worked, then headed to L2, Henrich (guy who lived in Japan) wasn't there, but Ian and Dave, the other two guys, were over with their gfs, playing DS games, we played Milles Bornes, then Tetris, then Luis and Sanraku came over with some girl I don't know, I ate, drank a watermelon bubble tea and left.

This morning, I went to the convienience store for munchies and watched Shangai Noon with Jo, then went to bed at around 4am, and got up again right in time to dress up and catch a bus to go meet Mad who bought my AAtP regimental vest from me. We went to grab a bubble tea, discussed, went to pick others, went to Pop Asia for shopping. Yueri bought the Dixanadu DVD and joked that it said "dix" as she opened the bag, we ate at the Vietnamese restaurant my family took me to on my bday, went to Marché Clandestin, Yueri bought an AP cutsew then some Yaoi mangas with Mad. We stopped at the Army Surplus store and MAd chatted medals with the guy. Sugar-chan found a winter coat that was neat, then we left. They dropped me at the St-Laurent Station and I came back to my folks.

On the way from Chinatown to Marché Clandestin, we meet a photographer with an old Polaroid camera, he asked to take portraits of us, we agreed. He'll send them to us through Myspace. I managed to save mine and Yueri's "negstives", I have Suger'S too, but it got damaged in the transit :(

relationships, meetup pictures, nick, weekly update, meetup summary, photos, pictures of me

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