procrastination... meme

Oct 04, 2008 18:33

1) What are your nicknames?
Karo, Dark, DSM, P'tite pomme, La p'tite, Succubus, Ginette... and lots of others I had in high school that I'd rather forget...

2) How do you style your hair?
I wash my hair (2 shampoo plus conditionner, when required), towel dry it, then brush it, braid it and sleep....

3) What's new in your life right now?
I don't know... troubles? I'm fed up of being in transit all the time, I want my life to reach a new destination so I can get some rest...

4) What color shirt are you wearing now?
I wear a black victorian inspiration shirt with a grey knee lenght woolen vest

5) Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I can be both, but I guess I tend more towards introversion, but I'm working on that a lot, lately...

6) Which sucks harder: Being unemployed, or having a job you dislike?
Having a job you dislike and that pays only minimum wage!!!

7) Do you nap a lot?
Not nough for my liking, lately...

8) If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?I would try to be friend with them, then wait and see. I might met someone else I'll like better through them...

9) Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
I feel like I'm sitting on a pile of TNT, want some stability and a better paying jib to get rid of some problems that keep dragging...

10) What was the last thing you ate today?
A salad with seefood in it at L2 (I'm still there)

11) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Depends what I'm doing. It might take long for me to convince myself to get out of my bed...

12) What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, Facebook, Hotmail, my friends blogs, brand blogs, PUPE, MyYahoo... Crunchyroll... too many shit for my own good...

13) What classes are you taking right now? And if you're not in school anymore, what's your job?I'm not in school but I wish I were, in a fashion-related course... I'm currently preparing food in a bistro...

14) Do you like to clean?
When I don't come back home completely drained and I'm in the mood, yes... Can I say I haven't really been in a cleaning mood lately??? LOL

15) What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
Kaya-Chocolat and Freddie Mercury - Living on my own... Yeah, there's a link between the two, look closely... ;)

16) What cell phone model do you own?
LG something, although I use any functions but the communication-related ones...(I'm not on a network anymore)

17) What's better: eternal love or memorable love?
Memorable one... eternal love is pointless if you keep no memories...

18) Records, CDs, or digital downloads?
downloads or cds when I can afford them... And I still purchase vinyls, BTW...I like the scrouchhhhhhhyscrunchhhhhhhh sound they make when they spin and play...

19) Best time of your life?
I enjoyed myself a lot when I was pregnant and when I first lived in St-Pie with my son and my ex in that big fancy appartment. And now, aside from the job and money worries, it's not bad either...

20) Favorite ice cream topping?
Chocolate with walnuts or crushed almonds...


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