Gomen nasai!

Aug 30, 2008 18:04

Hello everyone!

Sorry, I've been kind of busy this summer and I didn't take time to be on LJ all that much.
I worked like mad since June and only this week did I get some time off from my job. My vacation is coming soon. YATTA!!!!!!!!!

What have I done aside from work? Hum, not that much, sadly. I hung with friends in chinatown or at their places, mostly. I'm still trying to avoid D-senpai's girlfriend. That spoilt brat annoys me to no end. I can't stay in the same place as her. He keeps saying that we should working on getting along and shit, but hey, SHE WAS NOT A PART OF THE CO-HABITATION CONTRACT. We were both two lonesome lonely solitary souls when we first rented this place. He kept saying her coming to live with us was gonna be less than 50% of the time, and yet, she has spent more time in this appartment than both of us. We lived by night, each in our corner, getting closer some times when we needed a feeling of human warmth, but she changed the whole equation. She's just a spoilt rotten kid and she acts with Holier than thou bratty obnoxious attitude, I CAN'T FUCKIN' STAND THE SIGHT OF HER ANYMORE!

So, I'm kind of looking for a new place to live, but since Nick is starting school Tuesday, I'm waiting to see how it all goes in school before I make my move. If he's misbehaving again, I might have to quit my job and move back in my hometown, where I don't feel at home anymore. I felt more at home in Cali and I feel more at home at L2 than at any other place I should be able to call "home" (whether at my folks', grand-parents', some place I rent...).

I have made some new friends in Montréal. It's nice.I have a lot of friends that I'm kind of jealous of because they studied fashion design, free of the constraints of supporting one's family and taking care of one's aging grand-parents and stuff. I'm working on learning to say "NO" more often. I really need to stand for myself more. Right now, I'm more of "I'll take the hit then I'll manage to get back up somehow..." than standing my grounds.

I have set a new objective for myself: start finishing all those "on hold" things in my life. Mostly sewing and housekeeping endeavours. I used to be someone who'd finish everyhing she started and who would persevere, and I kind of lost that part of myself while I was killing myself waiting for Mike. I gave up on him for good, now. Meeting some new guys has helped me put some things back in perspective again. I kind of have a crush on the drink master guy at L2. He's from Chinese descent and his work name is "Leo". He's cute and nice and sympathetic, but I'm not really looking forward to dating some guy, right now, so I'm just kind of gathering info on him, and chatting with him. He's really cool, like "kakkoi", the natural kind of cool, not the "I force myself to look cool" like Gackt.

If you want to see some pictures of my latest outings, you can check my facebook (Caroline Marcil) as I don't really have any recent pictures of me taken with my own camera because it's shitty and I need a new one. I need a lot of new things. I would like to have a laptop upgrade too, this one is filled up to the max and the screen is fussy, I guess one of the wires from the base to the screen is worn and that's why it acts up. I need a new job to be able to pay for a new cellphone plan. I want to be able to pile up some money as well as pay off my debts and be able to go visit some countries with Nick when he's older.

So, I guess that's pretty much it. Talk to you some other time!

Matta ne, Genki de!

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