Well this week has been crazy (icon related)

May 19, 2012 21:15

Well, this week has gone down as such:

-Sunday morning our desktop died on us completely. The repair shop has it right now, but they haven't gotten around to figuring out what is wrong, but a new computer might be in our future. My laptop monitor is also starting to act up again AND whatever keeps knocking the cord out seems to have taken the power panel out with it, so I can't get it on without pulling the panel cover off and holding it at the exact proper angle, so I might have to get that fixed too.

-Sunday my throat also started to hurt. Monday it still hurt, and Tuesday it really hurt, but Tuesday morning I wasn't running a fever so I went to class and work. By the time I got home after 5, I was pretty dead and I pretty much couldn't swallow. I finally took my temperature and I was running a fever at this point, so off to the university clinic I go. Since I haven't actually been there yet since I rarely get sick, they have to take a full medical history and get all my info, which takes forever, and then they leave me to sit there for quite a while. (Also, my fever had jumped 2 degrees at this point, and the nurse was wondering what I was doing walking around in public all day with a 102 degree fever.) TWO HOURS, a strep test, and a mono test later, they determine that my strep test had probably returned a false negative and it was pretty obvious I had strep throat (I coulda told you that :/) gave me antibiotics and told me not to go out on Wednesday. Which was perfectly acceptable because people who were paying attention will have noticed that I had let it go for three days untreated at this point which meant I spent the next two days dying while I waited for the antibiotics to work.

-Did I mention I had a midterm for an intensive summer class on Friday? A four-weeks for a semester worth of material that I missed a day of class of to this strep throat business? (I dragged myself in on Thursday) Also that I hadn't really remembered anything that happened that week since I had been running a fever for most of it and just wasn't in any decent shape? I also handed in a paper I was surprised to get a passing grade on, but then again I couldn't really remember what I wrote anyway.

-And then I spent all day today working on cosplay stuff. I discovered wigs are still my weakspot and I really shouldn't have taken Yuanji's ponytail out to bring the cap in a bit, so I'm going to get another set of hands and a wig detangler to sort that out. (I feel like I'm loosing an awful lot of fiber out of it now. I may need to seal off the wefts I cut out I bit better.) Still, her dress is done, including the dreaded collar, so next up is the jacket and then the skirt. Her knives will get done somewhere along the way as well.

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