(no subject)

Apr 23, 2012 09:06

-A Canterlot Wedding was absolutely fabulous~ Much, much better than the last season finale in terms of plot and awesome. I wasn't too crazy about the two new characters coming completely out of nowhere, but the writing and pacing was excellent, the villain was great and Pincess Cadance and Shining Armor were both well-introduced and well developed, all things considered. I wish it had been properly movie-length instead of just being a two-parter. And the music was AMAZING, as always. Best songs of the entire season, imo. And Princess Luna appeared AND got lines AND Vinyl Scratch got an appearance. And the subtle little continuity nods were great. (Filly Twilight pulls Smarty Pants out of her toybox and the reception is set up in the hall with the stained glass windows from the season opener stood out to me, but I'm sure there are more I haven't noticed yet) Best. Season. Finale. EVER! (Now we must pit Princess Cadance and Shining Armor against the Mane 6+The Elements of Harmony to determine once and for all what is stronger; love or friendship? S3 opener?)

-Then I went and saw The Hunger Games the next day. I haven't read the books yet (though I keep meaning to) but I thought the movie was excellent.

-Wang Yuanji's dress doesn't make any sense. :/ Kai's DLC without the jacket helps a ton, I'm still not sure how to construct it. (Do people agree with me that it looks like the bodice, top skirt layer, and sleeves are one piece, with the two layer underskirt being a separate piece? Or has that been refuted somewhere? The fact that the databook seems to contradict itself doesn't help. May need to find someone to translate the notes on the page for me. :/)

koeiland  is going to be like pulling teeth, isn't it? *kicks comm*

-SOMEONE is making me unlock all my fics now. >;( it's ok, I still love you bb.

ehehe the pony rant is longer than the rest of the post ^^"

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ponies!, kl

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