Musings on cosplay, in which Hawk reveals all her dirty secrets.

Jun 15, 2012 09:28

So Colossalcon was last weekend. It has taken me this long to post on it because I bought WO3 when I got back but that's not the point. Linking to tumblr post for pictures because I am lazy. I feel like I should be making this with a proper photoshoot behind me and stuff but I need to think out loud and bounce ideas around.

As I'm saying everywhere, she's not done. I can't style wigs to save my life. There's still some detailing that I just ran out of time for, but I wanted to wear her regardless. I was still working on it Thursday morning. The whole thing was basically done in a month, which would have gone much better if I had not lost a week to strep throat.

I could not find the right colors for anything. The light blue was a much more tealish color that I dyed to get closer to what I wanted. (The original color was used to line the jacket.) The dark blue was a "this isn't right, well whatever" compromise. The boning in the bodice hates me and keeps curving in weird positions. I ended up painting the bodice details because of lack of a way to get an applique to work like I wanted it to.

The knives are wood, and once my dad cut them they took me 6 hours to paint. So much detail. Also, the wig is really heavy and I was fighting it all day. Those picture were taken right after we got down from the hotel room and it was already starting to slip. I got it in place a bit better after that, but it sure hurt by the time I got out of it. Thankfully Woona's wig is light.

Does anyone know of a good way to affix things to pleather? I think I've tried every type of glue we have in the house and nothing will stick. (the boot fringe is currently held up by bobby pins)

Woona cosplay was awesome. Everything was awesome and nothing hurt and I hung out with Bronies who loved Moonstuck all con so everything was great. (But she said last night that Moonstuck will probably end around August, so :( )

I will actually respond to comments on this post, guys. All of them. Promise.

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