Cosplay Chronicles: Day 2 (+ I hate COMM bonus)

Feb 20, 2008 23:56

yesterday was day two of the fair, and therefore, I had to cosplay as random megane butler again.... I didn't update because of lack of pictures to show... haha

anyway, I arrived there after Math 73 lecture with Ma'am Rubio (I actually went to her class wearing the costume). When I came there, surprise, surprise, I was the only server around. We didn't have a lot of customers in a while and so we were sort of just waiting for the other servers to come while coming up with gigs on how to boost customer traffic.

n the end, just to satisfy profits, I took a tray and started going around selling cakes and all... It worked... when Nina was the one doing it (haha... eye candy much?) Frankly it took a lot of guts to go around and sell pastries to bustling students and teachers (yes, even professors were not spared from our OMAKE-ness) who said no quite a lot of times. It was in cases of sheer luck, some mind control, and financial manipulation did we sell our pastries...

...Which leads me to my next stop: I'll sell tea later. I don't know how exactly I'll do that, but I'll try.

And so came the obligatory photo sessions with the cosplayers (thanks to Patricia Zulueta for the pic). This picture features from left to right, me (a very ugly and haggard waiter, if I say so myself), kawaii kawaii Nina (who's not looking really good in this pic) and RJ (speech path jap hotshot lol). The officers decided they need t pay to take a picture of us.. Can you believe that? Pay? We must be desperate for funds.

That brings me to the next topic. DM and I were told by some fanatic customers (and Nina) to dance. Yes, my dear friends, dance. and of all dances, we had to dance Hare Hare Yukai from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu. Wore of all, three cameras were rolling. I warn you, below is a video that may be the worst you'll ever see in your life. You have been warned.

image Click to view

Wow... I didn't know we were that desperate for cutomers
Two butlers dancing Hare Hare Yukai... Kowai
thanks to Patricia Zulueta for the vid... not (maybe)
In other news, I hate COMM 2. Not the teacher, the subject itself. The coursework presented to us is freakishly demanding, it's beyond belief... seriously... And me, of all people (who has no creativity in topic selection) gets stuck with the most difficult topic to scour... COME ON! *rant over*

upm upism omake anime cosplay fair

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