Vanity of the Unmasked

Feb 24, 2008 07:36

Yes... I'm ugly. I've known that for quite a while now but never got into the business of describing my sheer lack of looks per se.So now, I'll be completely vain and point out my obvious blemishes as I try to come to terms with why I deny this inevitable fact.

First of all, my size. I'm obviously overweight, my body mass index being 28 (The normal body mass index for a person my age would be 25). That aside, I have this large stomach which annoyingly peers through even the most loose of clothing. what's more, my chest will pass off as that of a small a-cup. And my bottom is well... huge. I'm pretty much a borderline behemoth. Not obese, just real fat. Or is it big-boned? nyahaha, enough of the political correctness of the issue.My posture, as a result, differs too, adding to my misery and discontent,

My skin. It is not of a lack of hygene that I have really bad skin. It's normally dry and rough. And to take all that care to moisturize it and whatnot will take up too much of my time, and gain me the title of honorary metrosexual (not that I am against any metrosexuals out there; but I seriously do not fit under the descriptions entailing you). Plus, I have this obvious remnant of a large pimple of my nose (which if in the absence if facial scrub is filled with ugly little blackheads, which would be a very humiliating pun on my University position), and some tiny bumps just below my hairline.

Which brings me to my hair. It normally is great when it's long (unless of course immediately after I wake up, which would give me the look of some failed saiyan cosplayer), but the back really ticks me off sometimes that I cant to cut it myself. Oh wait. Maybe I will :D.

If in the remote chance I would re-shape my body, I'll make it skinnier. Period. I just want to remove like, half of my waist, a third of my bum and a nice quarter off my thighs, and that;s it. I'll be content. People cmment that I'm getting slimmer (maybe because it;s the university), but it maybe the striped shirts I normally wear. As for my skin, I was born in these. I would also probably remove my toenails for good, but that's a different story.

Behind this mask... lies a very vain man.

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