Center of Time

Dec 10, 2009 18:05

Just a little Doctor Who Epic I have buzzing around in my incredibly warped brain.. Needless to say there will be Slash (Or at least Pre Slash.) Not to mention adult themes an a lot of foul language. Oh and for sake of being complete... It's set before Waters Of Mars and the Christmas special.

London, Ealing. Park Vale High School

Haresh Chandra groaned. How could this day have gotten this bad. He had been enjoying himself, It was his daughters birthday. He had hoped a nice quiet day, even with Sarah Jane showing up and making comments about old friends helping her find the gift she had given Rani that morning. “Why the excitement?” He muttered… Things had been far easier before they had moved to Ealing.

He looked up as the door opened, wondering what fresh hell had just entered the room. It was two men. Both wore black military clothes. One wore a red hat, the other looked tanned and strangely enough appeared Italian.

“Excuse me sir?” Red Hat was the first to speak. “Are you Mr Chandra?”

“I am indeed.” Haresh felt the annoyance that usually got brought on by Rani’s friend Clyde Langer suddenly start to rise. “Who the hell are you? Better yet… Why the hell are you in my office.”

“I’m Private Jenkins. This is Private Roman. We’re with the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, and we need to speak with three of your kids. “ Red Hat spoke again… This time giving Haresh names to use.

“OK… sounds strange.” Haresh suddenly had a horrible thought. “Langer?” he questioned.

“Clyde Langer yes.” Private Roman finally spoke. His voice sounded dull almost as if the task was boring him. “We also need a Luke Smith, and a Rani Chandra… She’d be your daughter right?”

Haresh started at that. Luke was a sweet kid… Why would the military want to talk with him. “I’ll have them brought here… You want privacy right?”

13 Bannerman Road

As she worked the woman in the attic yawned then stood up. At her side was a boxy looking metal dog. “Oh K9, things have gotten so quiet… Ever since that second Uvodni incident… You coul almost believe the Judoon were doing things properly.” Sarah Jane laughed gently at the thought… She and the Doctor tended to share an opinion about Judoon. They were excellent as brute force, but not so good at anything requiring subtlety or flexability.

“Affirmative Mistress .” K9 spoke, his mechanical voice sounding almost as bored as the one on Sarah Jane herself. “Mistress… You left your telecommunications device on silent again… It is trying to talk to you.”

Sarah Jane shook her head. “I take it you mean my phone K9.” As she spoke she swept the mobile from the table… It was Carla Langer.

“Hello? Carla… What is it?”

“Sarah Jane… you need to check the news, it’s the school. They said the glass exploded.”

Sarah Jane froze. Exploding glass meant a sonic attack of some kind. “Carla. I’m going to look into this. I’ll call as soon as I know anything.”
“Thanks Sarah Jane. After what happened with Paul going crazy.” Carla faded off at the meory of her ex and the necklace that had possessed him.

“I know Carla. I promise I’ll call.” at that Sarah Jane disconnected the call, then turned striding as her hair gleamed in the night. One phrase flashing to her lips in an instant. “Mr. Smith I need you.”

At the sound of the words an entire wall of the attic moved. Behind it lay a computer that was so advanced the TARDIS was the only equal to ever contact earth.

“I am already scanning the media Sarah Jane. Reports indicate that the headmaster requested three students to his office. Within minutes there was a sonic disturbance caused by what seems to be Gallifreyan technology.”

Sarah Jane stopped short at that. “Was there..? She did not however have to finish the request.

“Negative Sarah Jane. TARDIS energy has not been detected in the vicinity.” Mr. Smith paused… scanning terabytes of data in a matter of seconds. “However there is evidence of some kind of temporal dilation both here and in Cardiff. However it has no similarity to the energy recorded as being caused by the Rift.”

At that Sarah Jane went back into motion. Grabing a strange lipstick from the table she turned back to the computer. “Mr. Smith call Gwen… I’ll be at the school… Emergency Program 3781.”

Park Vale High.

“FUCK!” Haresh yelled, he turned to the girl sitting nearby. His daughter Rani. “What the hell happened in there?” Rani looked up at her father. The angry glint in her eyes did nothing to hide the determined intelligence that shone from her.

“I already told you I’m not sure dad… Those guys had guns, then the windows exploded. I looked up and I was the only one still there.” What Rani withheld from her father was her new lipstick… Not to mention the fake UNIT guys, and the weird wrist thing one of them had been wearing.

“Haresh!” A voice echoed down the hall as Sarah Jane came running toward them. Haresh groaned uner his voice. “Sarah Jane… This is a surprise.”

“Save it Haresh… Where’s Luke? Or did he go missing?” Sarah Jane had her game face on. Luke had once told her it made her look like she was ready for a fight.

“They took him Sarah Jane, they got Clyde too.” Rani spoke, her voice suddenly queit and weak. “I tried to stop them but…”

“Rani I’m sure you did your best.” Even as she spoke Sarah Jane thought quickly… The only being with the power for this kind of chaos was the Trickster.. “Haresh… Rani isn’t in any shape to go to classes… Howabout I take her home.? No sense in bothering Gita at work.”

“That works. I mean if you’re sure it’s OK?” Haresh jumped on the idea. His wife Gita was a headache at the best of times. Anger would probably make the headache even worse. “The police will probably..”

“They will get answers later. Come on Rani.. You’re probably hungry.” Sarah Jane curved an arm around the girl sweeping her away.


As soon as the Black SUV drew up near the Roald Dahl Plass six individuals exited, forming a diamod as they moved. The first three were all clearly in charge. All three were also women. First came Gwen Williams, the woman who seemed to be in charge. Her wide eyes said a great deal, but not as much as the hexagon constructed T on her belt… Or for that matter the gun at her waist. Next came the other two, Christine Johnson moved like a cat. Her pale skin in sharp contrast to the skin tight black clothes that seemed painted to her frame. Next to her came Martha Milligan, formerly Jones. A former UNIT operative… And so much more. Her calm and confidence were clear, as was her professional detachment as she scanned the area.

Behind them came three men, all wearing belts like Gwen. First was Mickey Smith, like Martha he had been recruited to help rebuild Torchwood. He also had a great deal of knowledge. Mostly on defeating Cyber variant life forms. Next came John Hart, a former Time Agent His swagger and arrogance were almost as obvious as his nervousness at the presence of the final member. Gray, the younger brother of Jack the previous team leader… That said Jack and Gray had a few issues between them. Issues that Martha was still helping Gray work through..

As they arrived a tall blonde officer headed toward them. There had been a time when Andy was nervous… However a Weevil invasion and the 456 had helped to deal with that. “Alright then… We have some kind of weapon fire and about 5 Weevils as far as we know.” He spoke to the group in general… But his eyes were firmly on Gwen. “Thanks Andy, we can handle this. Martha, take Mickey and see what you can get on the weapon fire. Christine, John… We don’t need a sample so take all Weevils out.” Gwen wasted no time in dividing the team up to deal with the threats.

“What about me? I mean I can help.” Gray growled as he spoke… He knew Gwen wasn’t fond of him… But sidelining him was a different story.

“I need you here Gray. Liasing with Law Enforcement is still a valuable skill.” Gwen didn’t look at him… Just rolled her eyes. He meant well. But Gray was still unstable. At least with John they had Christine holing his leash.

Andy watched all this with a degree of amusement. Apparently Gray was still in the dog house with Gwen. Maybe if he could distract her. “So Gwen.. Haven’t seen Rhys and the twins.. How are Ianto and Tosh?”

It worked, Gwen couldn’t help smiling as she remembered the kids. “Rhys is just busy with his work… As for the twins. Lois is looking after them back at the Hub.”

Before anyone could speak though the area Gwen had sent Martha and Mickey to exploded. Then at the same time a man appeared before grabbing Gray and teleporting with him.

“Gwen.. What the hell?” Andy was the first to recover. Wasting no time in analyzing the full scenario.

“I don’t know Andy… But I have bloody had it with people trying to blow us up!” Gwen moved swiftly, one hand flying up to her ear. Hitting the comlink direct to the Hub. “Lois, Christine, Martha. Status report.”

“Lois here… All is clear here. Tosh is napping. Ianto wont go down though.” Lois Habiba sounded almost harassed, although from what Gwen heard in the background the woman was working as fast as ever to colate and analyze the full situation. “Thanks Lois… Try playing an episode of Queer as Folk or Dante’s Cove. It seems to help. Can’t try to figure out why right now.”

“Christine here” The calm clipped voice sounded almost furious. “The Weevils were fake. Some bastard is playing us.” Gwen felt her anger rise. This was becoming far beyond annoying. “Get back to the SUV, both of you. We have work to do.”

Gwen tensed for a second when no third voice added in. Then Lois came back onto the line. “Gwen we just heard from Mr. Smith… A Sarah Jane needs you in Ealing.” That tore it. Gwen knew who Sarah Jane was. She and Ianto had been in the Hub the full time during the Dalek attempt to turn the Earth into a celestial Duracell.

“Got it Lois. We’ll head straight there. I’ll let Rhys know to pick up.” Lois interrupted. “I’ve got them Gwen. Just get us some answers.”

Edinburgh 1943

He couldn’t believe it. It had been Ice Warriors after all. It had been a good plan though… Hell if it hadn’t have been for that Skarsen then it might have worked. Then he hear the clanging… He ran for the source. His own vehicle.

He grinned as his acolytes brought him the duo. “Ah good, The Medic and The Pet. Add them to the Union of the Future. Soon The Survivor will arrive, we must prepare for him.” He then noticed the other prisoner. “Very good my pets. This one will lure The Immortal.” As Gray looked up the being spoke again. “Have him prepared. I would enjoy him… Then you will go to the other world. Go there and kill The Bad Wolf.”

END of Book One

sja, fanfic, torchwood, doctor who

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