The forbidden acts of the BAU.

Nov 17, 2010 16:34

Just a quick listfic for Criminal Minds... Needless to say Idon't own them, just wish I did.

1) will not relace Reid's coffee with Decaf, Pretty boy needs caffine or he gets grumpy.
2) I will not send Garcia gay porn, Morgan hates the glassy eyed look.
3) Photosop is not designed to create images of Agent Rossi as a decapitated corpse... Nor am I allowed to e-mail said images to the tech guy Kevin.
4) I will never call Hotch and Agent Rossi mom and dad... at least not to their faces.
5) The Spencer Reid in the FBI is different from the internet porn star, I am not to insinuate anything else.
6) Morgn and Hoch will kill me if I ever again use Don't Fear The Reaper as a ringtone.
7) If I ever again let someone see images of Prentiss as a goth she will let Garcia hack my facebook account to get the images I try to hide.
8) I will never allow Garcia to get harmed... Derek Mogan can be a very scary sex god when he is pissed off.
9) Reid does not want to watch Victor/Victoria.
10) I am not allowed to sneak Garcia any sugar doughnut rings... a bubbly tech is dangerus enough.
11) Morgan and Reid are not a couple, nor do they indulge in regular amounts of Brokeback style, tender Sarah Mcloughlin love.
12) I am never to use the phrase wild monkey love near the BAU.
13) Agent Rossi is not a mobster, nor is his name Tony, as to his being fat... Well maybe his ego
14) The next time I ask Will to help me earn Mardi Gras beads JJ will have Garcia make my phone a lesbian sex line.
15) Reid is ot the next Frank N Furter... No matter how hot his ass would look in the basque.
16) I am not to replace Morgans boxers with gold boxer briefs while he showers, besides Garcia has photos from last time.
17) I will remember not to bug the work dessing rooms with webcams, even if there are thousandds of people in love with Prentiss and Hotch.

[i] OK that's it for now... If anyone has any they want to add then feel free to tell me.[/i]

listfic, criminal minds

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