
Dec 27, 2006 02:23

So I am at nationals in Louisville, KY-- and it kind of sucks because im used to this stay up till 3 or 4am and sleep in till 11 or later, so here I am everyone asleep and Im chillin on my laptop waiting for 4 am to click by so I can get a good nights rest until getting up at 8am.. tee hee. Tomorrow night should be better.. its usually how these things work out.

Drive down was good, except the crazy drivers in Cincinnati. Going 85 in a 55 downtown? WHO DOES THAT?

Waiting for J to come back from coaxing his girlfriend who understandably misses him. Hence, a LJ post. hehe.

I had a link on a somewhat adult message board to my LJ which in the last entry I talked about being here, but did not mention necessarily wanting to hook up, yet I got a message from a 19 year old who wants to hook up in a public restroom randomly. My guess says its an APO brother.. its like intrafraternity incest or something.. probably would be hot too... but im not all about the public sex. Or really the sex at all. Some part of me is saying "take the chance, go do it, live a little" and the other part of me is picturing being hauled off in handcuffs for public indecency while ZB laughs at me. Ugh.. I guess i'll take the safe route this time, I worry too much.
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