(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 03:15

So yea.. I am in Ohio now, although only for two or so more days.. don't even know why I announced it. Oh yea.. because it SUCKS. Every time I come back here I just get so depressed, and not even for any specific reason.. just the sum of it all together. The differences between Ohio and SW Virgina are so vast that I miss Blacksburg so bad even though I havent even been gone a week really.

People are nice in Blacksburg.. sure, I may or may not have the "tight" hang out style friends that I have here, mainly because everyone is so busy in Blacksburg---but they have common courtesy there as well. Does not exist in Ohio.. I took my grandmother to Giant Eagle in Streetsboro to do her shopping because she needed some help, because well, she is getting old. So people in the store were just sooo rude, in ways that I normally wouldnt have noticed before going south. Things such as my grandma exclaiming to me what a good deal the hams were and having everyone else in the area perk up like a bunch of chickens in a hen house and then clucking their way over, pushing us basically aside to make sure they didn't miss out on the deal as well. I mean.. sure I understand its Christmas time and you are in a rush, but is it really necessary to basically push a 68 year old woman with 11 ruptured disks who can hardly walk out of the way to make sure you get the perfect christmas ham for 99 cents a pound when there is clearly enough for everyone? Ugh. And then, using your skills you are used to living in VA (or the south in general I gather), you smile at people, because hey, its Christmas, right? Do that and you get back nasty looks like you are perhaps smiling because something on them is funny--they check to see if their fly is unzipped, if their hair is straight, and if all is good, give you a nasty look for questioning them, when all you were trying to do is spread the spirit in a place that seems so devoid of it. Oh, and then getting in the line, having the clerk have some minor trouble with the check cashing thing that was over with so quickly---that is fine, but then you get people behind you that yell out with a pissed off look--"I'd like be to be home before CHRISTMAS PLEASEEE GOSH!" OOH.. I hate this state. I did not realize how much I hated it until now.

That said, I cannot wait for nationals, because hey, APO people should at least be okay, right? That begins December 27th so I will be leaving on December 26th sometime during the day. Probably earlier than later, because, hey, they have hot tubs and I want to be in it before bedtime. Also looking forward to seeing my ZB brothers, because they are nice and it is fun to be around nice people. Ugh, I hate this place so much, i've become practically a hermit because I don't want to interact with "them" in the outside world. It's becoming clear to me why and how I became this crazy hermit... something that I was beginning to break the mold of in Blacksburg, and look forward to doing more once I get back there.. Most definitely not coming back for Spring Break.. maybe I will go to Mississippi again because those people are cool.

So I didn't do much for break, mainly because I am saving my money for Louisville so I can have somewhat of a good time while down there--even though I have a budget limit of around 200 dollars, which isn't a lot for a vacation, but I expect I will be able to have at least a halfway good time.

Also looking forward to next semester. Pamplin is nice in the way that your In-Major GPA only begins with special business classes 3000 level and above. Which basically means I have a 4.0 and therefore a chance to restart because all of my shitty grades were affiliated with the UAP skip-hop I decided to try for a while, which, is incredibly awesome because I can somewhat save my resume.

Here is my schedule for next semester.. I am going to go associate for APO and I now have a night time job at Dietrick which means I can use the HUGE in between time between classes for studying, because seriously, what the hell else am I going to do for 2 hours between classes?

Total Credit Hours: 19.000 CRN Course Title Option Hours Time Days Location
10945 BIT 2406 Quantitative Methods A - F 3.000 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM TR PAM 2030
15656 BIT 3424 Comp Mod Dec Analysis A - F 3.000 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM TR PAM 2003
12849 FIN 3055 Legal Environment of Business A - F 3.000 11:15 AM - 12:05 PM MWF HAN 100
12852 FIN 3104 Introduction to Finance A - F 3.000 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM TR SQUIR COLNL
14121 MKTG 3104 Marketing Management A - F 3.000 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM MW GLCDB 64
14851 RUS 1106 Elementary Russian A - F 4.000 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM MWF RAND 116

Yee hah.. I'll see you all on the flip side of this hell.
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