(no subject)

Dec 12, 2006 22:01

So lots of fun things to talk about in this entry.. Been taking finals this week, so i've been kind of busy. Also got a job working at Dietrick rather than the Stadium store and I LOVE it.. sure the people there are kind of lazy and don't really do much except play ball games but that gives me plenty to do and time flies by.. Not only does it fly by, they give me so many hours with the option of "stay as late as you want man" which totally rakes in the hours for me. I've been told I have the work ethic of a poor chinese man, and however stereotypical that is, I find it entirely true.

AS for finals. I've found out I got a 76 on my Managerial Accouting final, less than I thought I would get, but enough to get a B in the class. In Statistics, which I computed the grade beforehand and found that I would have to take the class over again if I scored any less than a 38, which when I went into it I felt I didn't know much even though I studied for what seemed like endless hours and cans after cans of Red Bull. So I sat there figuratively with my thumb up my ass trying to verify and verify again that I at least got 18 of the 47 problems correct so I could pass the class. I finally just turned it in, then I got the score back (damn fast grades my gosh), most definitely a 77, and randomly higher than the class average. Don't know how, or why, but i'll take it, because i'm tired of taking that class. Its seriously like the 4th or so time i've been in it after two Withdraws and a fail.

So I get to take upper level business classes next semester. And I did it all while keeping a job as well. Yay. Maybe i'll graduate sometime this decade. One more final on Thursday, but i've computed that even if I didn't take it, I'd end up with a C in class.. taking it will probably merit an A and that will make me happy.

Don't know the status of my Russian score yet, but I imagine i'll pull off a B, or a C at the worst, which will only happen if I completely bombed the final--which is entirely likely. However the cool thing with Dr Bob is when you miss like half of the stuff, instead of getting a 50, you randomly get like a 78. Its like he just starts at 100 and counts off stuff as you miss it, even if there is not 100 points worth of stuff on it. I guess its the same thing as a curve somewhat, but either way, I like it.

Going back to Ohio on Friday, unless I feel like working randomly.. Maybe I will go back on Saturday, or even Sunday... I was originally going to go back as soon as I got out of the JAVA exam on Thursday, but i'm feeling more and more like making the most out of this week at Dietrick because, well, I have to pay tuition/rent/textbooks, after that though, I find that I really want an IPOD, like bad man. I was playing with someones at work and it was coool, Problem is that they are most definately like 249-349 depending on which model you get. Thats like dropping a month's rent. However, with my job I have now, I should be able to pull it off.

I finally bought my brother a gift, but the stupid website definitely saved my on campus address and only changed the billing address.. So I had to track down the guys who now live in my old dorm and be like "If the UPS man comes a knockin, give him this address".. Also made a trip to the Residence hall office to talk to the mail lady, and randomly saw Jill, a girl I used to work with at Admissions there who now does Res Life stuff. She was always pretty cool although she has the drama mind of a Desperate Housewife. Either way, it was nice to see her.

In other news, my Hokie passport died today. No, my flex plan didnt run out or anything; It just died. Refused to work at the dining hall so they had to type it in, and told me that it would be deactivated by tomorrow at 1 and I have to go to the Hokie Passport office to get a new one, apparently for free.. I'll believe it when I see it. The non working Hokie Passport was confirmed when I tried to get into this computer lab in West AJ and it didn't want to do anything, and I had to get some girl talking on her cell to swipe me in.. Ha.. I definaly remember going to the crossover to chat because the phone wouldnt work in my room.. memories memories.

Ok i'm going back to work now, my half hour break is over. Time to stock more Sobe and Dasani. hehe.
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