We Roll Tonight, To The Guitar Fight, For Those About To Rock...

Apr 04, 2005 19:51

Actually, the guitar fight is tomorrow night. im extra extra extra extra extra excited. this will be my first real show outside of maine. i guess this is our first mini tour. and we will kick some ass. oh such a bueno day tomorrow. i so excited mother fucker, wheeeee. i looooooooove boston more than anything. except maybe a person... but thats not for you to know about. and the best part is, im combining 3 things that i love tomorrow, college, boston, and playing music! HELLS YES! wheee. i also get to see lindsey tomorrow. *exponential glee*

so the river is flooded like mad. the island across the pond is under about 4-6 feet of water. like nothing is visible anymore. its crazy. my brother took one of the kayaks out and rowed over towards the river. im scared that the causeway will melt away and all access to cumberland will be denied. ill have to built a bridge and save all of this side of northyarmouth.

i decided to stay home today because i just didnt want to go to school. just kidding, i missed the bus and theres no way to get to school now that my poor car is broken! gah i hate you morgan!!! whatever. with any luck itll be fixed by wednesday. then i wont have to be fucked for RBF at bowdoin.

or maybe... haha just kidding.

i stayed home today, as i said, and vaccumed all day. also picked up and cleaned other things. so now we have a clean first floor. funny, i think i actually accomplished more today than if i went to school. whoo. and tomorrow i get to miss the last two periods to go to beantown. whoohooo.

oh frickin sweet, tomorrow is the release of the new reel Big Fish album. i hope its good. ill hopefully be able to get it in boston. i have a feeling that john will be all but approachable tomorrow because he will be face deep in very large sea creatures. (get it?)

the little kid from "two and a half men" is wicked funny

its nice having light outside until 8pm. i like it. anyone who bitches about losing an hour of sleep should shut up. summer is better than losing an hour of sleep. go to bed an hour earlier if you care so much. so there.


its was really nice not going to work this weekend. screw you regal.

speaking of work, i called my summer job today to see if i could get my it back for the season, and lo and behold, i was denied! motherfuckers!!! ive always hated sarah frankie cause shes a lousy, lazy, good for nothing, worthless cunt rag (sorry i said cunt but she makes me hate people), but now that she has refused to give me my job back because she heard that i wouldnt be coming back through a rumor, i dispise her more than nearly every other majorly hated person i hate. that includes hitler and president bush. gee, bitch, thanks for "assuming" that i wouldnt be coming back. so i wrote my director at the camp itself, who i like cause shes a nice lady, and asked her if she wouldnt mind getting me my job back, since my brother and i have more seniority than the rest of the counselors, probably put together. stupid whoreslutcuntbitchdykelesboshitheadmoronlazyassnazi.

so if i dont have that job, ill have nothing to do this summer besides sit around and play music. but ill be at the summer place where music might be hard to come by. i just hope i can find a job with that great amount of pay ($9.00/h). i loved that job, especially after working that slave labor for regal.

mother fuckers.

yeah i curse alot, so what are you gonna do about it?

wish me luck for tomorrow!

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