Pissy Mare Syndrome

Mar 29, 2008 01:33

Elphie is crampy and not feeling well.  She also started having her teeth worked on yesterday.  The guy that came was very nice and did what he could without drugging her.  Unfortunately, she needs to be tranqued so he can finish the job.  He's coming back in two weeks.  :)
He left his jacket here and called me today asking if I found it and he would call back when it he was going to pick it up.
I told him anytime and he was like "ok, take care kiddo."

Him saying that felt really strange at first.  There were like all these emotions going through my head so fast, I didn't know what to think.  I said thanks and bye quickly and sat for a few minutes, trying to sort through those few words.

The only people who've ever called me kiddo are Jodi and Gwen.  I think April, my old riding instructor said it once.  Then it hit me - a guy, a male, has NEVER called me kiddo or told me to "take care."  The only times I've heard it have been from mother-figures I love and felt safe with, and always made me happy when I heard those words.  So the problem was that it was new for me.  A father-figure type that I met only 24 hours before hand had spoken kind words to me - and I wasn't sure if I should let myself feel happy, or if I should put my guard up.  I'm still processing the whole thing, but I think I want to feel good about it.  :)  He was very nice and Jane was comfortable around him - maybe I can be too.
 Photos: Me taking a nap with Elphie after a long day.  She's so awesome.  :)

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