(no subject)

Feb 24, 2008 16:40

 First things first - GE - remind me to never again watch Julia and Kendra's Popular when I have to pee and mother is in the shower and I just downed 5 packets of sugar. I was doing "the dance" for a good 10 minutes. The neighbors were starting to consider calling a mental institution.

Had an awesome day with Jane! I heart you! We had a little change of plans this morning, but it was good. We were very girly and ate lots of food.  I still can't  believe how much fun hanging out with women 40 years older than me can be.  I have more good times with them than classmates.

Multigrain cracker-chips, fresh salsa, cheese, triscuits, apples, more cheese, Gingersnappish tea for Jane, Yogi Detox tea for me, wine for Jane, cider for me, these sinfully good chocolate coconut marshmallow things *drools*, yummy honey chocolate courtesy of Jane, chocolate macaroons, two-bite cinnamon twists. . . . . .

And Jane brought this wonderfully fantastical mug and saucer for me. Unfortunately, my cat killed the mug and I wanted to kill him. But I'm gonna glue it back together.

We measured our heights and made marks on the basement door, measured bust (we had an earlier discussion about kidnapping Gwen and all three of us going to Victoria's secret for a bra fitting)
*grinning*  I don't have too much to fit, but this might be fun.

We made Elphie(yes, my horse's name is Elphaba, no I did not name her - a friend did.  I actually got into Wicked after I brought my rescue mare home:)) her mash and had some laughs out with the ponies, came back in and just chatted some more , spending all of five words on each subject as we usually do.

Stolen Meme from GE:

1. Perfect?: Hell noooooo - far from it!
2. Tall?: eh.. . .
3. In your pajamas?: *snuggles jammies* Hehee yes!
4. Left handed?: Yeppers

1. Friend you saw: Mistress Jane!
2. Talked to on the phone: mother - she was calling to see if I was going to my grandparents tonight
3. Person to text you: heeh - I don't have a cell phone.
4. Was today better than yesterday? Ummm, in some ways, yes.

1. Number: 4
2. Color(s): purple, green, some shades of blue
3. Food: apples
4. Place: somewhere where I feel at peace, content, happy


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
swore at my alarm clock

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
always . . .

Q: What?
can I plead the fifth?

Q: Where is the last place you went?
Whole Foods

Q: Do you smile often?
Umm, depends. But I think I'm starting to smile more . . .

Q: Do you wish upon stars?

Q: Are you a friendly person?
I think so. I'm reserved, but in no way mean.

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
In my nice comfy bed - my hard floor sleeping days are over, thanks to working my ass off a few years ago.

Q: Why did you sleep there?
Because. . .

Q: When was the last time you cried?
The last time I broke down and actually really sobbed was the day after I'd had a rough night with my father and the day of Jane giving me the news that she decided to put Holly to sleep. The last time tears fell was Thursday - 'nother nightmare. It's inevitable. . . And I feel like a wimp.

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?

Q:Rate life as of right now - one being bad, ten being great?
A 6 or 7 maybe. . .

Q:What do you hear right now?
Wind gusts, the windchimes on the back porch, my keyboard, and I just burped. .

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
my whole body - literally

Q: What's your favorite month?
hmmm - May and October

Q: How many page views do you have?

001. Real name? *shakes head like a little kid*
002. Nick name? Mugs
003. Eye color? blue
004. Zodiac sign? Taurus!
005. Male or female? female.
006. Single? yeppers.
007. Crushing? mayhaps
008. Slut? HA! totally my polar opposite!
009. Smart? I hope so.
010. Hair color? haha - depends on lighting and style - seriously! I'd say a medium brown
013. Sweats or Jeans? Sweats.
014. Phone or Camera? CAMERA!
015. Health freak? ummmmmm I'm gonna be a modern-day homeopathic apothecary?
016. School: of what?
019. Piercings? yep
020. Tattoos? nononono NO!
021. Righty or lefty? lefty!

023. First piercing? ears at 6
024. First best friend? Lauren and Cerah
025. First award? Accelerated Reading
026. First crush? Kyle - 2nd grade.
027. First pet? Layla - cat

049. Eating? no
050. Drinking? water
052. I'm about to? piss myself if I don't finish this soon.
053. Listening to: haven't we already convered this?
054. Plans for today? work, Lily
055. Waiting for?: who knows?

068. Lips or eyes? definitely eyes
069. Shorter or taller? I don't care.
072. Romantic or spontaneous? I would like both
073. Nice stomach or nice arms? doesn't matter to me. I prefer a bit of chub though, don't know why, just always have. Looks are not the thing that matters to me though.
074. Sensitive or loud? both would be nice
075. Hook-up or relationship? A nice relationship

079. Drank bubbles? Nope, but I've had soap shoved in my mouth plenty of times before.
080. Lost glasses/contacts?: yes.
081. Ran away from home? yeah . . . . .
084. Broken someone's heart? nopes . . . .

090. Miracles? I want to. . . . yes
091. Love at first sight? mayhaps - but it's rare.
093. Santa clause ? Saint Nick was a real person, but the fat dude that defies gravity in the middle of fucking winter on a sleigh pulled by reinder . . . I'm gonna go with no on that one.
094. Sex on the first date? HELL NOOOO!!!!
095. Kiss on the first date? mayhaps
096. God? not in the usual sense, so, no, maybe not. . but I believe there's something out there

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? yeah . . . .
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? I don't know
1100. Who do you like for President? Elphaba (the horse)! Heh none of the people really intrigue me. And Gwen and I can go on and on and into a really heated discussion about all the corruption in the gov't.

Rehearsal went okay. Since I didn't go in saying I had been sick, I kinda tried to sing things full out - boy did it show! Right now my voice has a range of about 3 notes. And everytime I tried to belt, it came out in a whisper or cracked in the middle of a word. But I found it funny. On the rehearsal tape, all you hear from the last line of the first verse is "assting ff mi buuuush." Way to let the vocal chords heal! No dancing tonight, so I didn't have to worry about that, but I'm hoping my body will let me beat it up on Monday and it can go back to disobeying me again on Tuesday. I was supposed to be learning this turn jump sequence. It should be interesting.

Went to help Amanda with Middy today - Thoroughbreds - when they get injured . . they REALLY get injured.

I think Gwen, Jane and I are doing something on Sunday - can't wait for that! I never feel too crappy to spend the day with my moms.

My dearest dah-lingest sweetsicle, I think I'm going to miss you tonight, so Oiche mhaith agus slainte mo siucra. Tell the fam I said, "hi."
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