(no subject)

Feb 16, 2008 00:12

 Where to go 
what to do
tell me please
and help me through

A map I need
to find my way
a script would be nice
to this twisted play

Yeah I kinda randomly start writing poems.  So I let my fingers type.  I know I never update on LJ - my journals are usually written on deviantart.  (same username)  But anywho, I figured I should probably put something up here so people know a wee bit about me.
I have recent;y become immersed and swallowed by fanfic.  I don't really have any of my own fics, but my best friend, Cerah has notebooks and boxes full of stuff she wrote (lots of Chenzel, some Espirney, even some random House fics . . and others.)  No, she was not a creepy fangirl with no life (look in my scraps on DA for pictures if you don't believe me)  She passed away last year, so I'm trying to organize and type up her stuff.  Hopefully I'll get it posted soon.   
Yes, I like Wicked.  No, I'm not a crazy rabid fangirl.  I don't wait at stage doors and scream and talk about the actors as if I know them.  In fact, the only time I've ever met a celebrity was a complete surprise to me.  Someone had gotten Celtic Tiger tickets with a backstage pass for Christmas and I got to meet Michael Flatley.

I do love musical theatre.  There's something about working your ass off for 3 months, and 14 hour tech-week days, and live shows that just . . I don't know. . . it's part of my life, and it's sad that I never really had the opportunity to be involved in it until last year.

I don't like sell-outs, fake people, people who think money is everything, power-hungry bastards, people that point and laugh when they see someone having a hard time instead of helping.

Julia Murney amazes me.  Simple as that.  She seems like a genuinely down to earth and funny person.  And I admire her fashion sense, because in my world, stripes, plaid, and polkadots CAN be worn together, on the same day, by the same person in the same outfit.  I talk about her a lot, along with other people I look up to and am influenced by.

Eden Espinosa.  The girl can siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnngg.  Listen to her work in BKLYN and you'll see what I mean.

I have a life outside theatre.  I had a life before theatre.  It isn't much of one, but it's something I love equally, if not more =  I work at an equine rescue and rehab.  Check out thepenzancehorse.com and that's where I spend a lot of my time.

I listen to other music besides showtunes.  There's a great CD by a band called Assembly that I dug out of the basement a couple weeks ago.  I like country music.  I like almost anything, except I find rap to be annoying and unoriginal.

That's about it for now.  Wow I just realized I made myself sound like a bitch - I assure you I'm the complete opposite!  Will have to change some of the wording on this.  For most of my journal updates:  darklegacy416.deviantart.com  Oiche mhaith agus slainte!
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