Ravelry Updated :D

Nov 05, 2009 21:23

I updated the Ravelry page and started filling in the chart showing what needles I have. I wasn't going to use it but I realized that lately I've been trying to remember what straights and DPN's I have when out so I don't double buy. So I haven't been buying...because I never can remember. Well now I just have to look it up on the blackberry if I decide I see a set of needles I want. PRESTO! *happy*

Sean is letting me borrow his grinder for my coffee beans from @sbuxmel on TWITTER. I won a contest there and she sent me a 1/2 pound bag of starbucks coffee *yum*

Next up now that I've been blogging and zoomin the internets for days is taking inventory of what I have here at seans and straightening it up a little...I'm taking some stuff home but don't need to take it all. Mostly wanting to be sure I have my knitting and the lap top...ok and my new socks from www.sockdreams.com  I have 3 pairs of over the knee socks and I love the colors (very rich!) I have a deep denim pair, a dark red pair and a royal plum colored pair *squee*

I haven't been getting enough sleep so I'm off to bed right quick.

Nite LJ peeps :)
XOXO Miss Kitty

knitting, sockdreams

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