¬ ¬

Jul 12, 2006 20:22

Okay, so there's this leader at where I work. Let's call him David. I thought he was kinda okay; he talked to people even though he had two lunches. Meh.
Anyways, today I was workin on the buffet table again. -___-' Woo, fun. So was on that and a teacher comes up. She tries to take two plums. Blah blah blah one!
By the end of it, she's understanding and says, 'Oh it's okay, I understand that you can't change it and you're just following the rules.' So I see her walk off and then check the next person.
The next time I look up she's talking to David. Little bit aprehensive but ah well. I go to the further side of the table to check on the sauces and I see David sidling up to the end of the table where the fruit is.
He then stands there lookin like he's standing gaurd. Right. I look away and when I look back at him again I see him takin one of the plums. My eyes follow him as he walks away...
And gives the plum to the teacher.
>___< WHAT.
And guess what? The nxt teacher who I stop goes and says, 'But David said that we can take two!'
I seriously doubt that the people who're makin sure there's enough of everythin knew that.

general: work

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