And now for a change of pace

Jul 15, 2006 16:01

Not ranting/talking/screaming about work now. Rejoice.

So, been playin Final Fantasy IX like nuts. And stealing. When I got Theivery, I could already do about 5,000 damage. By the time I got to Ispen's Castle, I could do 9,999 damage. I ended up killing the beastie before I stole Orichalcon from it.
And then when I was fighting Lich/Earth Guardian, I killed it in about three or four turns with only Quina attacking since I was trying to steal the Rubber Suit.
So now I'm just training up with the Grand Dragons so I can max out Freya's Dragon Crest. XD

Went and started to play Final Fantasy Tactics Advance again. Nuff Said.

Saw that FFIV is out in the shops. Haven't looked at the PS2 Games yet since I was being dragged about by my mum.

Really want to restart FFX.

No, I'm not starting to get obsessed with Final Fantasy again. Shush.

general: gaming, fandom: final fantasy ix

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