
Jul 11, 2006 19:54

I'm finding it ironic that the majority of people who are working with me in a school that is being used by foreign students to better their english, are foreign themselves and can't speak english very well.

So I've been workin on the buffet for the last two days. Whoppee. All I do is stand there and make sure that they only take one fruit or yoghurt. And refill the sauces. That's it. Sounds simple doesn't it?
bgh v jhnyu
^ Me slamming head on keyboard. Twice.
Raaaaah. For the last two days there've been people who just love their food. And they keep on taking iiiiit. *whines*
They don't seem that bad with taking only fruit or yoghurt but only one fruit? Hellz no! At least one every third person tries ot take two pieces of fruit. Or three. Seriously.
There was one person who took three pieces of fruit and when I told him that he could only take one ... *facepalm* We ended up 'talking' for about five minutes. Funny how when the conversation started, he 'no understand' but by the end of it, he knew exactly what me and Kevin (he joined in me support me after about two minutes) were saying. He had two oranges and a banana and when I had my index finger up to say One (and saying it over and over and over again to him) he went 'Oh, um, please?' *makes praying motion*.
After a little while, he kinda gave up and put an orange away. And then basically asked if he could have one of each. -___-' Raaaaahhhhhh. Yeeeah, plus, during that, he put his index finger and middle finger up.
I'm desperately hoping that he was just goin for the numbers there.
So, today a guy who looked like him was also like that. He only took two but took about the same amount of time to get it through his head that he's only getting ONE. So, he leaves it.
And then comes back about two minutes and tries to take two peaches.
When he's stopped, he goes and points to the mass of people sitting down and says that it's for his friend. She's standing and waving at him ... while holding a tub of yoghurt.
So he's sent away again. At the time that he's goin, a girl comes up, and takes a piece of fruit. And then she does that she pumps a fist low in the air.
-____-' Yeah, non-conspicuous there.

general: work

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