*hysterical laughter*

Oct 14, 2011 14:54

It looks like I've found a way to twine my first plot thread and my second plot thread together.

My plot is currently laughing and pointing at me since I didn't believe it.

Except when it's growing into epic proportions!! because now the gods want in on some of the action. Because apparently they do exist and some/one want to interact with Ras. *facepalm* I have a feeling I'd end up with a literal deus ex machina for an ending if they do properly appear because I still don't know how to end this satisfactorily.

And of course you know it's me who's writing when the monsters start getting drawn in a sympathetic light and seriously. wtf is happening to this NaNo?? XD;;; It's going in a completely different direction than I thought it would be!

But the second plot thread is...moving. Sort of. I have Ideas of what I want to happen. :D

Yet I am still on the third scene. I...should do something about that...

But yes, worldbuilding is fun; good worldbuilding is hard. XDD

I was thinking about To Dream today and realised that I wrote the same kind of the interactions between people as Searching. To Dream has pre-Searching Marland and Shodin, and that really amuses me. Not to mention we also have a young childlike character (but at least she is a child). XDD;;

Rewatching Psychic Detective Yakumo since I hadn't finished it when it was airing. And - just - eeeeeee. Love Yakumo's character! ♥~~ And the slow character development. And I really wasn't paying attention the first time because I completely missed the fact that the doctor who knew Yakumo's mum was the person in the previous episodes. XD;; (I'm still amused by how easily the contact lense plops out)

Aaaaah, I wish I could have a character like him as the narrative character this NaNo. X3 But hey, I had Marland last year. :3

DDDDDDDDDDDDD: 'You don't look good to make yourself feel good; you look good to get noticed by the opposite sex!'

'Having a boyfriend changes your entire life! :D :D You aren't going to be happy until you have one!'

'omg, what was with her - she didn't wear nice clothes or make-up!'

WHAT THE FUCK. Haruka, please please please tell me you're going to reject these messages because seriously. The D< face is not enough for me right now.

\o/ (Okay, no full out rejection, but nice compromising message?)

And hee! We found out Yakumo's secret weakness: a poke to the ribs! XDD

writing: plotting, original: to dream, original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: psychic detective yakumo, fandom: original fiction

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