Another Master and Slave thing snippet

Oct 13, 2011 07:12

Haha, influenced by lucathia-rykatu's style here, and I wanted to try to write a fairy tale-ish type narrative for this anyway. :3

*on the first sentence* ommmmmmg, why are you doing this to meeeeeee?? They don't look that different from humans?! So I could technically have three threads going on at once? *cry*

A long time ago, the geists slunk out of the shadows, born from the darkness in people's hearts; their pallor was grey compared to humans, fangs far sharper than any blade, and they had slitted eyes like a cat. They were nearly indistinguishable from humans, but humans do not have an instinct that drives them to prey on the soul, to sometimes only touch the soul, so that when they have slaked their hunger, they leave a living husk.

Prey on the soul? Yes, they eat those like we eat a good dinner. They crave it for they always hunger for souls, and their favourite kind? Little children's - yes, including you, so take care that you check every person to make sure they aren't a geist when you to speak with them. But little children's souls are delicacies; they will eat the souls of anyone foolish to stay in their company for long.

Because they are fuelled by human souls, that makes them very, very powerful. Any wound they receive will be healed in scant minutes, and most normal magic leaves them unaffected, laughing at the poor fools who dared to try and oppose them.

Those were dark times indeed; we did not have khertan and psyvens then to protect us from them. We were at their mercy.

One day a mighty warrior saw the damage that the geists wreaked and he could not take any more. He went on his knees like so many before him and prayed to the Gods, prayed for Them to hear him, prayed that They could listen to the humans' plight, that They may aid us humans with Their power.

And the Gods heard him, his thoughts carried to Them with his pure heart. They saw the devastation, the havoc that the geists spread and felt pity for us poor humans.

The Gods sent down a psyven imbued with the power to fight the geists to assist the warrior. The psyven lent the warrior his power, and the warrior could wield magic like he had been born with it -no, he didn't have magic before, he wasn't a mage or a priest; that's why he became a warrior- and together they fought against the geists.

When they began, they were mocked by the geists, as the geists did not know that they had the power to defeat them.

But together, they prevailed against the geists in the warrior's hometown and seeing their success, the Gods decided that They would send psyvens wherever they were needed, the psyvens appearing next to the person they would fight together with.

The khertan and psyven now must fight the geists, because they are the only ones that can. So make sure you respect and help them when you see them - their numbers are few, but they are also powerful.

All tucked in? Then I hope you have good dreams tonight. Sleep well.

Things to think about:
What do people do to protect themselves? Actions, talismans, double-checking?
What do humans call the place that the gods live in?
Do the geists have powers?

Huh. I was intending to go for storybook format, not storyteller format. Ah well. XD;;

Haha… Writing this when I still don't have a name for the masters and slaves... *facepalm* I really want a 'psy-' name. XDD; So khertan means 'heart'; I'd wanted to use 'kerd' or 'heorte' but kerd seems too short and heorte is too awkward/too close to 'heart'. XD;;

Aaaaah, utter cheesiness. XDDD

So now Ras is a little 'whaaaaat' at, you know, kinda being matched by the gods. XDDD;;;; Plus, Aldran's kinda like an angel then? Omg, bwahaha. No wonder people are staring!

Aaaah, need to remember to capitalise the right pronouns. XDD;;

I procrastinated and decided to see if I could write a summary. Yeah, before I really know what's going to happen. XD;; I thought last week that my summary was going to be two or three sentences long?

Ras has just been chosen by the Gods to protect humans from geists, beings that prey on people's souls. Sent by Them to aid her is Aldran, a psyven; through the bond forged on their first meeting, Aldran can pass his magic to Ras for her to use against the geists - only a psyven's magic is effective against them.

But stories are told to children to placate fears and soothe nightmares. Ras has to learn that Aldran and living as a khertan are not what she expected and that the danger is very real.

While she adjusts to her new life, she and Aldran begin to discover all is not as it seems. But the search for the truth is not easy and ultimately, in the end, is it worth it?

XD;; This sounds far more awesome than what it'll actually be. Also kinda generic, but ah well. Over thirty words longer that Searching's!

The second sentence is a little awkward. =/

This might change a little as I develop the second plot thread, not sure. It also might change because Ras should know it's dangerous, but maybe the geists aren't that numerous so she hasn't encountered any before (apart from the day before the start of the novel. So I guess it still fits.)

I so wanted to stick 'They fight crime geists!' between the first and second paragraph. XDDD

Jeez - three paragraphs and only six sentences. XD;;

I keep wanting to type psyren and yeah, other series called that, and then it sounds like siren and *whine whine whine*

This doesn't look like it was based that much on a master and slave scenario anymore, does it? XD

Now, let's see if I have the skill to pull this off. XD;;;

I should probably make up the name of the world and a few of the villages/towns. I wonder if I should make a point that Aldran can't actually use his magic? Or is it okay making that clear in the actual novel? (Aw, poor him; he's a battery. XD;;) Also wonder if I should get rid of the k in 'khertan' because I keep tripping over it when I read it.

(Okay, I have to say the summary looks really weird when it's centred though. XD;;;)

Woooow~ The new NaNo site looks all sleek and shiny! :D

original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, writing, fandom: original fiction

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