Oh, *cry*

Oct 12, 2011 21:35

I was doing some more 'what if-'s to generate what's going to happen next and to hopefully weed out calm parts before it happens.

Except the plot then decided to do this:
Plot: Hey, hey, that's the deep end isn't it? Shovetheminshovethemin!!! :D
DID: o_____o;
DID: Something this big isn't supposed to happen yet... I'm not even past the third scene.
Plot: Well, it's not going to be boring then, is it? And it's not that big
DID: Yes it is! It changes the trajectory of things! They're going to have to react to that and not just carry on with usual life! But - my plan! The first major thing is supposed to be [this]! I just found out what the major parts of this story are!
Plot: Tough. :P
DID: D: How am I supposed to bring this back to the plot thread I was going for?
Plot: You're not. *raised eyebrows*
DID: *headdesk*
DID: *sigh*
DID: ...
DID: Wait.
DID: Oh no, don't tell me... D:
Plot: :)
DID: This is a second plot thread isn't it...?
Plot: Yup.
DID: Which means this is going to be huge.
Plot: Yup.
DID: ;_______;
Plot: You did say something was missing.
DID: That doesn't mean there should be two investigations going on at the same time!!
DID: I don't even know if they're connected!
Plot: They will be. :D
DID: You don't know that. D<
Plot: You can make them connected! :D
DID: ;_______________________;
DID: omgggg, how many characters do I need to make?

I may be overthinking things again though. It could be foreshadowing rather than diving right into the plot. agsta Hopefully.

...Why the plot seems to be acting kinda like Ras at the moment, I don't know. -____-

So... I think I'll be doing the 'what if-'s for the new plot thread and see where that takes me.

This is already looking like it's going to shoot past 100k. But everytime I make a huge estimation, I'm wrong and the fic ends up being a lot shorter. *crosses fingers*

I've worked out what the story about the 'masters and slaves' that gets told is about, and I'm thinking I should write it out. This is going to affect the way Ras originally treats/responds/thinks of Aldran, so it's pretty important that I know what she's being influenced by. Cliche as anything, but it's meant to be like that? It's not like it's going to affect the storyline that much.

Other thought process: 'Hmm. So, geists are ghosts (or something), and some myths say that they're more influential during the nighttime. Maybe I should have it so they only come out during then?
Which means Ras and Aldran will be fighting at night. *facepalm* Right, any day, any time it is.'

Woke up at four this morning; I was crashing soooo badly about three. XD; Hopefully I'll be all right tonight.

writing: thought processes, original: master and slave thing, general: sleep, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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