
Oct 05, 2011 13:08

Yup, as soon as I change Sahnras into a non-human, I get a whole lot more interested in her. *wry* The current plot has mostly changed again, and apparently I'm setting this in more medieval-type times, because there's a guild involved and arrrrgghhhh, how many characters am I going to have to make?? D: D:

Did more thinking of Sahnras' character (when she was still human) and she's a tiny bit more fleshed out, but that was when she was human. -_____-;; So she's going to be changing a lot again. She's a little...flat though, right now. She's not reacting to much - well, okay, she is but I mean, Marland had trust issues, friendship issues, touch issues (okay, he was supposed to have those), but he was less mature than Sahnras; she's got a bit more of a level head. Maybe. XDD Yes, I really do like characters being broken in some sort of way. *blink blink* ooooh, that's made me realise something about her. :D

I'm sticking Aldoran's cat-tail and pointed ears on her, while Aldoran now has lots of swirly tattoos that may or may not glow when he's gathering up magic. But he's blank too. Need to do something thinking about him.

But yeah, since Sahnras isn't human, I'm going to have to think about her culture and reactions/instincts to stuff. Which, ooooo, means I might get to make up some gods or something.

alsdkjf Do I have enough time for all of this?? XD;;

Yes, barely even a day and it's going over another overhaul. Because I have had an Idea, and this Idea is making me Very Very gleeful. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to formulate and write this Idea, but Oh My God do I want to write it!! ♥_________♥

It means Sahnras can go back to being human (and Aldoran maybe gets to keep the tail, pointy ears and tattoos together XDD) and - and I get this! \o/

It does mean I have to start waaaay in medias res - their relationship has been established for...idunno, a couple of months? Something like that?

But - but hmmmmm. I'm missing something. *ponder ponder*

I might be, I might not. Once I get out of this obsessive state and able to concentrate a little more, we'll see where this thread takes me. :D :D :D

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! So excited!

(It may or may not be cliché as all hell but damn, I really don't care at the moment. XDD)

writing: plotting, original: master and slave thing, general: obsessing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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