Some more NaNo rambling~

Oct 06, 2011 15:27

*facepalm* I've just realised that Shanras is essentially a bounty hunter. *sneeeerk* It's her job to protect the people from the [monsters/geists*] - she doesn't get paid for it, but she does get room and board. And she probably gets money from the guild for repairs or whatever. I hope next year's NaNo doesn't feature a bounty hunter... XDD;;; Maybe I should try for humour next year.

Considered also giving her a sword but...damn, good at magic and swordsmanship? Not sure. If there's a plot-related incident that requires her swordwork, yeah, okay; if not, then it's just there for coolness factor and therefore not needed.

I'm also thinking that there is not going to be telepathy between Shanras and Aldoran, because waugh~ all that html and your eyes start to go funny if you see too much italics/it keeps alternating. And scaling back on the empathy, because idunno, it's okay in short fics but I think I'd be 'telling' in long fics. ('Shanras could feel that Aldoran wasn't happy' etc. rather than Shanras knowing because of body posture/eye contact. Hmm. The issue for me is one of them is Shanras knowing Aldoran really well, while the other one is a cheating shortcut in some ways. :P) Sooo...uh, I wonder if Aldoran gets a collar or something when he and Shanras bond. XDD;; It makes no sense (he isn't a literal slave, forced to do her word) but hey, it's magic - who knows the logic behind it, right? XDDD

Which means, yeeey, Aldoran is going to talk with his mouth. XDD;

kldsjflk I really want to give Aldoran expressive ears. ;_____; No inclination for wings (yet) but I want expressive eeeeeeears~ (Also, daaaaammiiiiit, if Aldoran has a tail, that means he has to make sure he doesn't sit on chairs with backs! On the other hand, he isn't the narrative character so I don't have to worry about him making sure as much!)

I'm still wondering about the execution of the Idea.

Oh yeah, it appears I'm going to be writing an investigative story. WHAT. How'd I end up with this??

I possibly have the beginnings of what my summary is going to be. I think it's two or three sentences long. XD A fair bit shorter than Searching anyway! So far

*Yes, I am very unoriginal. But at least it's better than Other! I have learned!

Hmmm. Done some more thinking and Shanras' and Aldoran's relationship is all very...nice. They get along with each other, can talk fine, are best friends. Yeah, when the story starts, Aldoran's going to be acting a little strangely, and Shanras is a little worried but. That's it. There's no conflict, no pushing each other, no nothing. DD: Ugh.

And from what I'm imagining at the moment, Aldoran is pretty quiet and Shanras is willing to wait for him to tell her if something's up. *facepalm* really not a good combination if I want a lot of interaction.

Also, Shanras likes her job. Or, hm, at least she understands why it needs to be done. She doesn't like the killing, but if she doesn't do it other people will die. Okay, that's slightly better.

There is a really, really obvious plothole I need to look at. Or two.

So, need to tweak their characters some more. Shanras prodding more, using snark to try and draw Aldoran out/get a reaction? Using snark to find out what's wrong? Oooh, much better! There. Snarkiness as a way of communication, rather than just showing her humour.

I just think Shanras is a little perfect at the moment, without any flaws. Aldoran is at least unsure of his existance (wrong wording, but it's something along those lines) Which was my problem with Shodin, and that turned out okay - but that was because Marland had enough issues to balance him out. XD;;

I don't want to give her a temper or jump to conclusions, because that's Marland but hmmm. Maybe she's getting tired of the geist fighting? Getting a little jaded? I guess I don't want to give her flaws, but at least give her something so she isn't so...happy and content all the time. :P That's boring to write about.

I defintely need to do something with the magic system anyway. 'They gather magic, form it, then cast' Pfffffffffffffft.

writing: plotting, original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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