(no subject)

Oct 04, 2011 05:59

Noblesse 204!

Eeeeee! They're complimenting Seira's cooking! And hee! Regis is collecting the plates while M-21 and Takeo are cleaning them. XDD Back to usual?

Where's Frankenstein sitting? Opposite Rai?

ajdsf That is an awesomely drawn pose of Regis with the dishes. XD

"These are my duties."
alkjf yeeeey.

Ah, okay, Frankenstein's standing to the side. XD

kyaaaaaaa, the kids explaining the penalities to Regis and Seira! XDD

"Why must you use a flicking motion? Why not hit their forehead with your fist?"
*DIES LAUGHING* Oh, Regis, it's good you didn't show this violent side to them earlier! XDDDD

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Seira's also copying the motion! :D :D

...She hit the frying pan, didn't she? XDDD

*DIES LAUGHING AGAIN* She destroyed the pan!! XDDDDD

eeeeeeeeeeee, Tao covering up for her! (Haha, I might actually have some more stuff to work with by the time the Tao+Seira, Let's face the music and dance prompt needs to be posted!)

kajdflkadsf *dies laughing some more* She made a hole in the roof! aldskfj Oh jeez, let's hope neither Regis or Seira are team leaders! XDDDDDDD

Ah, for a second I thought that was Frankenstein talking to M-21.

Woot! We have names! Na Yonsu is the woman. And An Sangeen is the guy.

:O Their existance is top secret within the agency? Interesting. So, they aren't Union then?

Heeeeeeeeee! ♥ They're human experiments too~

:O Or wait, they are part of the Union, and they don't know what else has been going on. XDDD;;

The director's name is Lim Taesik.

*grins wide* They're looking for possible recruits? Uh ooooooh. Shinwoo? :D


This is going to AWESOME.

On the NaNo front, I've worked my way through one book, which has helped, but Sahnras/Sanras/Shanras is still completely blank. And I'm still wanting to make her non-human. :P I just prefer writing from those perspectives! And I don't know what kind of character I want her to be.

I guess if she's resisting this much being human and 'normal' I should change her into what she wants to be. Just hope she doesn't turn into another Marland... Modified human?

I have something planned for Aldoran but we'll see if that sticks. :P Since it's tied in with possible!plot, and I'm not sure if I can write that specific thread. XD;

Edit: Hmmmm. Re-reading dogmatix-san's Sebastian and the Beast again, and I really do love the snarky interactions between Sebastian and Dirk. So I think I might give Sahnras that, and I'm not too worried about her being too much like Marland in that respect, because Marland didn't really start displaying his dry humour until he finally developed some emotional maturity.

fandom: noblesse, original: master and slave thing, general: obsessing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: sebastian and the beast, general: recs, fandom: original fiction

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